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Elbow Calluse

Cheri McDonald

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Took Rob to the vet today to have his elbow looked at. I found what I thought was swelling, red angry looking skin and just plain ulgy and puffy under his fur when I was grooming them.


Anyway, Doc says it is just a calluse he is wearing on that leg. Is there something I can put on the area to help relieve it and make it go away? He does favor laying on that one side.


Any suggestions? It is sensitive and does look like it hurts but vet said its no big deal. :confused:

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I don't know if there's anything you could or should put on it, but eventually he will build a complete callous to a gray-like color (reminds me of elephant skin) that will look like what my dog has in this photo:




She has them on both sides. It generally happens to heavier weight dogs who lay on hard floors/crates. Doesn't cause her any discomfort.

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Cheri - my Tess has developed these calluses from lying on our tile floor to watch the birds outside. She also prefers not to have a towel or padding in her crate...so this also contributes to the elbows.


However, Tess does not seem to be in any pain or anything...I would think you might not want to put anything on it because it would keep the skin moist and cause more problems...but rather if you let the skin toughen then maybe it won't be a problem???? Just my thoughts on the matter.

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My boxer developed them also and they sometimes got infected and would get pus in them. She even had them on her hind legs. When they got really bad, I had them excised and the area stitched up. I tried all kinds of antibiotic creams from the vet, peroxide, pad cream etc. She would lick at them and that's what got them so raw and runny. It was gross! Darby has them now, but even at 8, they are still red and raw looking, almost like someone who has psoriasis. Weird.

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My poor old Calvin had elbow issues in the latter days of his IMHA nightmare, from being on steroids and being so immune-suppressed, and eventually the skin would not cover the joints at all, making it necessary to bandage them full time. His internal med vet recommended I try "DogLeggs", custom made elbow-wear with padding. They were GREAT!! They were also pricey, but worth it. Calvin lived in his til the day he had to go.

Look up www.dogleggs.com for more info.

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