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We have been herding for about 6 months now. The closest herding place is about 2.5-3 hours drive one way so we get out there about 1 weekend a month. We currently go to two trainers each day (someone in the morning, and another in the afternoon). It’s interesting that they both have different ways to presents the same information. So far I find it helpful.
Altogether since we started he has been on sheep for 22 days. 
Val is 8 years old so we will see how much we can learn. He seems to have a better grasp then me. We are hoping to get into an ASCA trial in July. These pictures were taken during a stay and train herding boot camp I had sent Val to. I was excited since these are his 1st herding pictures. 





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How fun for you both!  We started with Border Collies in 1992 and like you, made a 5-6 hour roundtrip to our first trainer as often as we could.  Our progress was slow but steady, and led us to a big move to a 10 acre property, our own sheep, and lots of fun and success on the trial field.  I've also had a lot of fun and learning at ASCA events, and I hope the same will be true for you and Val.

Keep us posted!


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