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Bad weather dogs

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Since it has been a very rainy week I was wondering if anyone else has a dog that seems to be okay with any type of weather.

No matter how bad the weather, storm, rain, snow, Molly is happy to go on long walks. Although I am a firm believer of "there is no such thing as bad weather, just bad clothing", sometimes I am not that enthusiastic to go out. I still go out though, because Molly doesn't understand my problem. As I live in the Netherlands we mostly have to deal with extreme rain and not so much extreme snow. But I suspect Molly would still want to go out even if we were snowed in. She would find a way.

Other dogs I know are very different: just a quick pee in the rain is fine, even prefered. Or if the walk takes longer, they look miserable. So far I've only met one other person with a dog that doesn't mind the weather one bit and he has a working cocker. (Further investigation is still pending, I haven't asked my trainer yet who has a lot of dogs, might be interesting). 

So my question is: could this be a working dog thing? Or perhaps a drive thing? A border collie thing? A personality thing? A coat type thing? A Molly thing :P ?

All of the above?

I'm curious to know your thoughts!

One thing I do love about walking in the pouring rain is that it is so quiet. That and when I come home to a warm house and a nice cup of tea. 

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Our border collie loves "bad" weather: snow, ice, cold rain, you name it.  During the winter he enjoys lying on the snow for extended periods of time.  He has a very thick coat.

But he cannot stand our humid, hot summer weather (we live in New Jersey).  He is essentially out of commission between late May and late September.

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My first bc loved water in any form, except the bath tub. She'd splash in puddles, play in creeks, etc. I had to be careful of her at the ocean as she seemed a bit too excited about the waves.

The other 3 are/have been certain that any water outside of a water bowl will kill them.

Ruth & Gibbs

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I haven't met a dog yet that really enjoyed bathing. Molly doesn't either, although she loves swimming. I think it's because when I give her a bath she is soaked to the skin and in the rain her coat makes sure that doesn't happen.

3 hours ago, urge to herd said:

The other 3 are/have been certain that any water outside of a water bowl will kill them.

Can't blame them, you can never be too careful :P


@Irish Collie Could be that headshape plays a factor, although I'm not sure I can see a drastic difference in headshapes in collies (but I haven't met many and haven't examined them closely :) ) Lovely picture, I especially like the cheeky face of the collie sitting next to the malinois.


@danorocky  Come to think of it, Molly doesn't do too well in hot weather either. Slows down quite a bit. I sometimes think it's because of her coat. She has a smooth coat but with a good undercoat. Perhaps her coat is great for cold and wet, but a bit too warm for the summer.

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We adore the rain because it means fewer people are outside and we like it when it's quiet! My BC will go out in any weather, but both my terrier crosses refuse(d) to go out at even a hint of rain which I have heard is common in terriers. 

Completely agree with no such thing as bad weather! :)

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My border collies never seemed to care what the weather was and would go outside in anything, although when it was summer it was "quick pee and back inside" because no dog likes a temperature in excess of 100 F. Actually, most living things feel as though they could probably do fine without those heat days, but that's what we have here. While it's true that dressing for the weather makes all the difference as flora points out, when you get to extremes of heat it goes beyond what clothing can ameliorate. From June to the end of September walking the dogs can only be done at sunrise and sunset. No one here calls it Bad Weather, of course. but you can't do anything active outside.

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