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More frequent BMs?


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Gabe has been pooping more often lately. We've had him for about 6 months, and he has been pretty regular 1 poop on his morning walk, 1 poop on his afternoon walk. He would wait a really long time to poop- our regular walk is about 2.3 miles, and he wouldn't poop until past the halfway point ( we walk out to a certain point and then basically turn around and come home). He stayed with my parents for a few weeks around the holidays, and his walking schedule was a little different. Since then, he's been pooping earlier on his walks and often pooping twice. The poops seem normal, and the quantity doesn't seem to be changing too much, but it's just weird.


At what point do you look at a change in BM habits like this as just a "new normal" vs. calling the vet and saying there's a problem? We've also been using some different treats to work on reactivity when we walk, so maybe they're just passing through a little differently? He's acting totally normal and stools aren't abnormal at all.

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I'm concerned when the stools are different, more than can be attributed to what he's eating. What I notice is texture, odor, ease with which he poops, (straining would be cause for concern) and ability to hold till an appropriate time.


So if his stools are normal, they smell normal for poop, and he's only pooping when he's supposed to, I wouldn't worry. You can check with your Significant Other, make sure you're not both feeding him dinner or whatnot, but it doesn't read to me like cause for concern.


Ruth and Gibbs

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Thanks Ruth! Texture, odor, ease are all normal, and his ability to hold it seems a little more normal (I could never understand how he waited that long to poop). We're not double feeding him, I always take care of breakfast and we're both home at dinnertime, so who knows. I'm not super concerned, but any change in bathroom habits is something I take notice of. I knew other dog people would understand the poop obsession :)

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I have a neighbor I walk with every morning, and sometimes I like to get her opinion on my dog's poop. You know you've found a true dog friend when they're as invested in your dog's poop as you are.


Yes, Chris, if you want to talk about any qualities of poop, a dog lover's board is the place to go. I have to remind myself that not all my friends care to discuss canine waste processes as much as I do. In fact, the only ones who do have their own dogs that they are nuts about.


Ruth and Gibbs

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I am a firm believer in Poopology - i.e. the study of poop. To me, it seems logical that food type and timing, water intake, temperature (body temp and external temperatures), activity level, disease states and stress levels ... will all affect the 'output'. Having said that, I believe that minor variations can be normal. It sounds like Gabe is within his normal limits.

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I have known people who let their dogs out in the yard and go out every couple days to clean up, making it tough to keep track of what is going on with the poop. I can't even imagine it!


A few weeks ago I hurt my knee, so my husband was in charge of all the dog walking. Gabe ate some chicken sandwiches at my parents' house (they're not the best at supervision), and had diarrhea for days. It was pretty fun having our first week back home as newlyweds with most of the conversation being about Gabe's poop. That was only about a month ago. We talk about poop a lot.

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My DH is marvelous about letting the dogs out to go potty or walking them if I can't, but he's largely a bust at poop observation. He's better now at noticing *where* they go but still not too good at noticing *what* they do. He's a work in progress, and I do appreciate him. j


I do have friends who think I carry my poop-servation to a degree too far!


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Some years ago I went to my dog training association anual dinner, and for some reason I can't remember a local health club celebrated their anual dinner with us. Mid dinner, the dog people where in a heated debate about their dog's poop, and health club people where NOT enjoying their meal.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have known people who let their dogs out in the yard and go out every couple days to clean up, making it tough to keep track of what is going on with the poop. I can't even imagine it!

Well.......with four dogs, that is what I do, actually, although I pick up the poop every morning and notice right away if there's a change in any of it. I have 2 small dogs with small poop and two BCs with large poop, so it's not too hard to narrow it down if there is a problem; I can know by the end of the day who it is.

But I have found this thread hilarious to read, because it is so true.....you know you are among true dog friends when you can discuss quality of poop over dinner without batting an eye!

(I love dog people so much!)

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