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Not Eating/Vomiting Grass


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Good Sunday Morning BC parents ~

My quanrdry .... we are pretty smart folks and know that when a dog eats grass they typically have an upset stomach ... but never having a BC before I want to make certain I am following the right protocal .... Zoee (fixed female 1.8 mos. old) was eating lots of long grass yesterday .... she ate a great breakfast and was her normal, crazy active self all day ... at dinner time, she came up with out other dog but only sniffed her food bowl and then walked away! I tried feeding her inside without our other dog (she is a rescue we have had now for 7 mos. and sometimes there are dominance issues that pop up) ... she still wanted nothing to do with food. THEN about 2 hous later the vomiting started ....3 large piles of long grass and dark brown watery bile .... I would say there was easily a cup or more of grass in each pile. She was still "acting normal" ....... she didn;t want to sleep in her crate last night so we took turns sleeping with her and taking her outside whenever she wanted to go ... no more puking, no excessive peeing and she pooped "normally" once. This morning we tried her food again, she looked and walked away ........ I tried some boil rice and she was headed to eat some grass again and I thought some rice might work. She is still energetic and wanting to play ball ...... her nose is wet, eyes look good, no smelly breath. Of course if she doesn;t eat something more substantial tonight, we are off to vet first thing ... but wondering if we are okay to wait out today, keep an eye on her and go from there. Our other dog, Racer, is eating same chow and is fine ...... thanks! Amy

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THANK YOU all ..... we just got home from taking Zoee to emergency vet .... she had a CORNCOB blocking her small intestine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Emergency surgery and we just got the call that it went well and she will be in for two days but a full recovery is expected! Our regular vet is out of town until Wednesday and Zoee was still acting normal until about 5 PM when she started doing the yoga pose Downward Dog and holing it for quite some time ..... that wasn't right ..... by the time we got to the emergency vet (45 minutes away) she had a fever and was so sad and almost listless ....... Thank you all ... one happy family right now! Funny how I don't even remember what the amount of the vet bill I signed was .... don't even care, Zoee is going to be okay!!!!!! Thank you again for just sipporting and being honest and telling me whatI knew but was hoping wasn't happening .......... Amy, Chris, Furi and Racer :)

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Thanks all .... pretty scary night! She is resting with the 24 hour nurse and we'll bring her home in a couple of days :) I needto give a shout out to Dr. Robin Crossman of the Rutland Vermont Vet Clinic and Surgical Center ...... great job ..... a tough blow financially but we made a promise to Zoee when we rescued her that we were her forever family and we meant it ... between this and her fall from a second story parking garage with her previous "owner", resulting in two broken legs she is either the luckiest or unluckiest lil' pup we know!!!!! Just be happy to get that wiggly girl home!!!!!!!! Our poor Aussie is lost without her!!!!!!!!!!! I will be forever greatful to this site for helping us through the wonderful world (goods and bad times) of having a BC in our family!!!!!!!! Amy

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How is she doing today? any updates?

Maralynn ~ just got back from visitng Zoee at the vets ... doing great! Still a bit groggy from surgery but she is peeing and eating! Will be bringing her home tomorrow :) So happy we caught it in time and so happy I listened to my gut and all of the folks on this site and took her in ...... don;t even want to think about all of the what ifs! Told all the teachers at my school today and so many of them were going home to secure their compost bins!!!!!! Thanks for all the thoughts and well wishes ........ Amy

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