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Hi from New Zealand!

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Hello all, just thought I should pop in to say what a brilliant, informative forum this is! I have learned a lot about the Border Collie breed reading on here. I am involved in dog sports, and while I have a puppy at the moment I am already thinking ahead to dog number 2 (a few years away still!)... BCs are on my list of course, but also very interested in heading dogs (and Malinois... and Dobermans... sigh so many lovely breeds!).


My gorgeous puppy is from a freebie accident litter; a farmer's working BC got knocked up by a cow-hands Jack Russell. She is the BEST dog ever, I am so stupidly in love with her! And now, pictures!

















Look forward to reading more, and getting to know some of you! :)

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I guess I forget the NZ gets snow because I was expecting hills of lush green in your photos.


Best wishes!


Hahaha, maybe when spring rolls around I'll get you some lush hill photos! Stuck in winter here and it's cold and dark (and there's so much mud everywhere!)



She's adorable and looks like she might be plotting something. What's her name?




Ruth and Agent Gibbs


Terriers are always plotting something LOL, but really she is a very good girl and rarely puts a foot wrong :D



Welcome aboard! Your pup is adorable. I bet she's a real smart one. What's her name? I especially like the pictures with you in them too, because it's so clear she's in love with you too.


Her name is Elsie


Welcome. Beautiful dog. BorderJacks come in so many different shapes and sizes. Thanks for the photos.




Yeah very interesting shapes/sizes/colours come out of this mix. Interesting personalities too, when Elsie is playing with other dogs she starts off all crazy and makes nasty terrier noises while playing with other dogs, and after an hour or so she switches and starts eyeing them and almost looks like she is trying to herd them (which is very funny when she is playing with a bunch of cattle dogs and BCs and everyone is trying to herd everyone else).


The rest of the puppies in Elsie's litter had little jack russell legs, where as Elsie looks like heading dog puppy... All legs! I know a couple more through agility, one of them is a rehome and he looks just like a little fox, he has classic BC markings, is red & white and quite small with a fine point face, erect ears and a big brushy foxtail, so cute!


It always makes me giggle a bit hearing the "designer" name for them, Elsie is a mutt through and through hahaha. Lucky to have the best from both parents I think, but she is quite soft which I was surprised about.

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Welcome! Our farm network has been showing the NZ herding trials (heading dogs and huntaways) and I have been watching them every week. It's very interesting to see the different working styles. Do you ever get to see them in person?


You wouldn't believe how many people in the USA claim that their designer mutts (Border Jacks, Labradoodles, Schoodles, Cockapoos, etc) are purebred.

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Welcome! Our farm network has been showing the NZ herding trials (heading dogs and huntaways) and I have been watching them every week. It's very interesting to see the different working styles. Do you ever get to see them in person?


You wouldn't believe how many people in the USA claim that their designer mutts (Border Jacks, Labradoodles, Schoodles, Cockapoos, etc) are purebred.


We get the whole spoodle, labradoodle thing here too... I teach domestic obedience and in my last class 3/6 dogs were "spoodles"! Thankfully the craze hasn't jumped to other breeds, we don't have doodleman pinchers or border retrievers or something LOL.


I have seen a bit of work, not high country stuff apart from on Country Calender (really good TV show about farming in NZ if you can get your hands on some!), but been to some trials before which was very interesting, and I grew up in the country and we had some friends with Huntaways and heading dogs (we just got our Doberman to do our "herding" whih is putting the chickens away at night). Love watching Huntaways work, can't help but feel proud about "our" breed though! See LOADS of heading dogs around in agility, not as many Huntaways though. Have lots of pictures of heading dogs at agility if anyone wants to see :D


Edit to add: Country Calendar

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It always makes me giggle a bit hearing the "designer" name for them, Elsie is a mutt through and through hahaha. Lucky to have the best from both parents I think, but she is quite soft which I was surprised about.


IMHO, the designer names give the mixes an 'inflated' value, but I use some of the simpler names (i.e. BorderJack, labradoodle, etc.) since the names are commonly understood, and it is a PITA to say something like "that dog is from a cross between a poodle and a labrador.



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