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Food, "butt breath," and reverse sneezing

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In searching for what others feed, here, I stumbled on a term I think I may need to know, but don't yet: "butt breath." It came up in a discussion about food. Bennie has clean teeth, but awful breath. From the sound of it, I HOPE he's not got "butt breath" but -- is it anything more complicated than the scent of his breath after licking his butt? And can his breath improve with healthier food?


We put him on Taste of the Wild (bison, I think) when he first came to us -- I've been moving him toward Evo Red Meat (small bites) because he seemed (at least briefly) to like it.


That leads me to another question: I saw a couple of mentions in these forums about the SIZE of the kibble potentially being important, to a BC? Do they choke easily, or something? Or is that just a problem if they're ravenous eaters?


AND - finally -- Bennie has a tendency to "reverse sneeze." Did it bad in the shelter, stopped when he first came home, and is now doing it again. Is this common in BCs, or is not breed-related? I only think it may be because, if they have a problem with choking, I could see that relating to reverse sneezes, potentially...


Thanks again!

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I can't answer your "butt breath" question because I've never heard of it. Seriously if a dog licks its butt, unless there's actual poo being licked off, how could the act of licking actually make the breath smell?


I've mever heard of kibble size being important either. Perhaps if you have a dog that bolts its food, but even then the recommendation would be adding a lot of water to the kibble, getting a special food bowl for dogs who bolt their food, or creating your own. None of these do anything to the size of the kibble, but are simply "mechanical" methods for slowing the dog down.


Here's a short article from the Veterinary Information Network on reverse sneezing.


ETA: I have a 13 year old who is prone to reverse sneezing and has been the entire time I've had him (~12 years). The tendency to do it seems to come and go and it's never caused him any real problems. I rarely, if ever, hear the others doing it.



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I'd think more about having his teeth looked at than odor transferring from his hind end to his mouth. Bad teeth and/or gums can create quite the nasty smell.


If there's nothing else going on than reverse sneezing, than I'd just ask the vet about it at your next visit.


If he's chewing his food, not throwing it up, and his poops are normal, then your kibble size is fine.



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If you have ruled out bad teeth as the cause of the bad breath, you might try giving your dog some chlorophyll capsules, you can get them at most health food stores..just give the capsule, or open it up and pour it on their food. It worked on my Spree dog, she had horrible breath and it cleared it right up.

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The term "butt breath" is a phrase I've used for a very long time. It is simply an expression for bad breath regardless of the cause or species. If the term butt breath is confusing, it may be substituted for the idiom "goat's breath" (no offense to goat owners).

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If the term butt breath is confusing, it may be substituted for the idiom "goat's breath" (no offense to goat owners).


Yeah, but don't intact male goats pee into their mouths and/or pee on themselves and then lick it. :) [i have never had goats, but read this in a goat book.]



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Yet another reason I don't feed or recommend Taste of the Wild or other foods made by Diamond.


Salmonella Tainted Dog Food Sickens 14 People


Thank you for posting this, even though it makes me feel stupid. I had been reading a LOT about the Diamond recall, but apparently not reading close enough. I warned my family members to check their dog's food, and didn't realize that I'd been feeding Bennie a product made by/in this company.


Fortunately, our date code doesn't appear to be one of the recalled ones -- but I am switching him completely to the Evo, now, and will not return to Taste of the Wild. I sure hope Evo's okay, and I didn't miss info on that in the recall notices!

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Don't feel stupid. I would bet that most people don't realize the degree to which companies contract out the manufacturing of their products. I didn't either until I went on a field trip as part of my microbiology class in college. We went to a factory that made beauty products (shampoo, soap, toothpaste, etc). I noticed that there were bottles for a wide variety of companies, including brand names and their generic equivalents right next to each other. I asked about it and the factory rep said each company dictated where their raw ingredients came from, but the factory was ultimately responsible for quality control and putting them together into the finished product. It was a very eye opening experience.

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