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There is something wrong with Jedi

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This is the first time I can't figure out what's wrong with one of my dogs and it's driving me crazy. I was away for the weekend and got back last night. My sister was house sitting. Jedi was fine and acting normally, played ball, ran normally at about 8:00. At 10:00 he went out to potty and I threw the ball a couple of times. On the 3rd throw, he didn't retrieve it but came and sat next to me and just looked at me. This is unheard of for him. I thought maybe it went on the other side of the fence so we went inside because it was late. This morning he did not once nudge me to go out. When I took them out, he brought a ball for me to throw, but ran after it with no speed, missed it, (never misses) and quit running and stared at me after a couple of throws. I checked each paw and didn't see anything wrong. He's not limping or favoring a leg that I can tell. He ate normally this morning, no vomiting. He pottied. Softer than usual feces but not diarrhea. Right now he's laying in his crate, and did not react when someone was at the door. This behavior (and the not wanting to play) is totally out of character for him. As it happens, he has a vet appointment at 3:00 for his yearly but I guess it's going to turn into a visit for more than that. I hate not knowing.


If you could send good thoughts for my little Jedi man, I'd really appreciate it. Yes I really call him that.. :rolleyes: Thanks.

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Georgia, it sounds like maybe he's sore. Milo got like that when his hips were bothering him. He wasn't limping or anything, but he just didn't want to move much. Since Jedi is so young, though, I would be suspecting TBD, if your vet isn't able to find anything else obvious.


Anyway, I hope he is feeling better soon and it's nothing serious. Let us know what you find out at the vet.

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Have the vet check his lungs (X-ray, if necessary). Annie just went through the same thing; it turned out to be a respiratory infection, which our vet believes is a by-product of the screwy weather we have been having.

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Sending good thoughts for you and Jedi - I understand how worrying it would be to suddenly see such behavior! Keep us posted.

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Georgia, I'm just now seeing this. I hope Jedi's just feeling sore or something minor. I totally understand your worry, if any of my boys (Lilly's a couch potato) didn't want to go outside and play, I would be concerned, too. Good thoughts headed his way! Please keep us posted.

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Well we're back from the vet. It was one of those "could be" visits. His temperature is normal. His feet, legs, and hips seemed fine when she felt them. The only reaction he had was when she pushed at a certain spot on his back, he sat everytime. Could be it pained him, or could be he thought she wanted him to sit. :rolleyes:

She gave us an anti-inflammatory just in case he tweaked something in his back. He's supposed to take it easy for a week and then go back for a re-check and his yearly at that time if he's better. We took a short walk when we got home and he had an explosion of diarrhea. Yuck! At this point it could be it was just an upset stomach and he was having cramps. The thing is, he's had an upset stomach before and it's never fazed him or slowed him down.


He seems to be feeling better since his gross (and so much fun for me to clean up) explosion, so I'm not sure if I should continue with the anti-inflammatory (Rimadyl) or not.


So that's my update. Thanks for your thoughts and input. :D

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Sending good thoughts. You called the vet about the explosion right? My first thought was a reaction to the meds (though I've never had a dog prescribed Rimadyl so don't know its side effects, and the soft stool seemed to start before the visit). My other thought is, since you were gone, maybe your sister just fed him something his tummy wasn't used to?

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Yep, Rimadyl can cause GI upset, so you might want to check in with the vet. Besides you wouldn't want to just stop the NSAIDs without consulation anyway. (By the way, this may seem far fetched, but if he has back pain and the posture/pushing necessary to pass stool exacerbates that pain, then he could simply have held it till he could hold it no longer--to avoid the associated pain--hence the poop-splosion. Just a thought.)



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I didn't know that Rimadyl could cause stomach upset, but since he'd only had it about 10 min. before his episode, I don't think that was it. I believe the diarrhea was caused by a new food topper my sister gave them when I was gone. It was beef and I think it may have been too rich for them. I also think having our foster dog leave, at the same time we left for the weekend was stressful for them and may have added to the stool problem. I just did not connect his uncharacteristic behavior with the diarrhea because it didn't happen until after the vet visit. He's been fine since. Why it would affect him that way this time, and not all the other times he's had diarrhea, I don't know. I'll call the vet though and see what she thinks. Thanks for the advice and well wishes! They worked. :rolleyes:

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