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Top 3 weirdest things your dog does/has done...

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My pup Seek:


1. Hates Rain! If I send her out to go potty and it's raining she will immediately try to come back inside or hide under the roof where it's dry until I let her back in.


2. Sleeps in a tiny cat bed by the front door when I am in the kitchen. It's obviously way too small for her!




3. Hid from what seemed to be an alien! :D Seek LOVES other dogs, but one day when we were hiking, she was so worried about a huge shaggy dog (a newfoundland/tibetan terrier mix?) that we met on a trail that she ran away, backtracking out of sight. No matter how much I called, she wouldn't come to me. It was kind of funny how confused she was. I don't think she knew it was a dog :rolleyes: We met the same dog a few different times (we walk the trail daily), she has now warmed up and sniffs are exchanged.

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I just have one new weird one.


Mid-December, we had a warm, strange day in winter. I was walking Buddy around the local college campus (a tiny school), and suddenly he tugged the leash taut and went zooming around the corner of a dorm, then ran up to one of the open windows and put his paws up to look inside.


Sitting at a computer desk was a young man with a large roast beef sandwich by his keyboard. I was embarrassed at the stalker-ish behavior my dog was exhibiting, and called out, "Oh, sorry - he smelled your sandwich!" Whereupon I realized that the young man was deaf, and had no idea what I was saying, or why me and my dog were staring in his window.





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I just have one new weird one.


Mid-December, we had a warm, strange day in winter. I was walking Buddy around the local college campus (a tiny school), and suddenly he tugged the leash taut and went zooming around the corner of a dorm, then ran up to one of the open windows and put his paws up to look inside.


Sitting at a computer desk was a young man with a large roast beef sandwich by his keyboard. I was embarrassed at the stalker-ish behavior my dog was exhibiting, and called out, "Oh, sorry - he smelled your sandwich!" Whereupon I realized that the young man was deaf, and had no idea what I was saying, or why me and my dog were staring in his window.







Haha!! :rolleyes: That story was hilarious and really great! I hope people keep them coming!

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Not weird but funny...when we brought Robin home at 9 weeks, he'd just gotten into an altercation with the farm cat who'd scratched him on the nose pretty good (not that he didn't deserve it). Family and friends were sending me toys for Robin and among them, my sister had picked up a stuffed lion - a baby toy, from a yard sale. I showed it to Robin with its little flat face and kitty whiskers and he ducked away, his whole expression reading "OH, NO ITS A KITTY!!!!"



He got over it and Lion is his favorite toy now that his brother and Ladybug have shredded bunny - all that's left of that is a pair of ears :rolleyes:.



(I love the roast beef sandwich story....quite the mugger :D.



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If you blow in Ido's face, she will dart away and then refuses to look at you if you try and get her attention. She will bring things, come, do anything but meet your eyes head-on, LoL.


Monkey and Ido stalk the bathroom when I am in the shower. Ido clears any stray droplets that happen to get past the curtain, and Monkey sneaks in to lick my toes/legs when I get out. I guess people-flavored water tastes better???


I was once at a reptile show, visiting a friend's booth. They did not have hardly a thing on their table. Rune was with me, leashed at my side. She has a thing for jumping up on any surface I ask her too...Well, she was a bit more focused on me than I thought, (can't fault her for that! LoL) for as I layed my hands down on the table to get my friend's attention, Rune leaps up and lands neatly right in the middle of it. The look on our faces was priceless!

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Ok, it says "your dog," not your Border Collie, so...


I remember once Blaise, my Doberwoman was in a taxi with me. We stopped so I could pick up a bucket of chicken. I left Blaise in the cab while I went after the food. We had been in this cab many times, and the driver always praised my dog's fine manners and sleek good looks.


When I returned with my chicken, I found the driver and Blaise giving each other what looked suspiciously like the old fish-eye. I inquired what was going on, and the driver told me that he had had his supper, a small pizza, requisitioned by my dog.


I was aghast! My dog? We were talking about a dog that had been taught from infancy to leave any food but that in her bowl strictly alone. Never had she transgressed in this. I inquired further and learned that the poor fellow had taken the pizza from under the seat, opened the box, and started to remove a slice. He said that my dog immediately stuck her head over the seat and began a close inspection of the pie.


Why didn't you tell her to buzz off? I asked. He said that he had. I asked what her response had been. "She growled at me," he said in a low voice. "Then she ate my pizza."


I looked incredulously at my dog. She seemed engrossed with the empty parking lot outside. Blaise?" I said. She kept on looking out the window but her ears lowered a fraction of an inch. Then I knew it was true. This act of shameless culinary piracy had been carried out by my perfect dog. I offered to pay for the pizza. The driver refused. He drove us home in silence. I paid the fare. We went out in that cab many more times, but the driver never again praised Blaise's fine manners or sleek good looks.

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I don't know about the top 3 but, Gracie, my resident red head did something yesterday I thought was hilarious, but the repair guy must have thought was weird. Gracie is the type of border collie who, if there is no toy or ball in sight, will make the effort to find something - anything, to bring back to you for a game of fetch --- including chunks of concrete which she's found on the property and dragged back only to be disappointed that it didn't wind up in a throw and fetch session.


A couple of days ago my furnace went out. I spent the night under a big comforter, no heat. The next morning, while waiting for the repair guy to come out, I had Gracie out with me and was walking around the house knocking down the huge, I mean HUGE icicles that had formed around my house. Coming down, they could seriously hurt anyone standing underneath, but when they did come down they broke into huge pieces. Gracie was totally fascinated by this process --- potential fetch toys, you know.


When the repair guy came, we went into the basement by way of an outside cellar door. While I was watching the guy try to get my furnace going, I heard a thunk, thunk, thunk, down the cellar stairs. Gracie was dragging these icicles one by one and pushing, throwing, whatever she had to do to get them down the steps and taking a step or two back in a crouch, waiting for one of us to respond. I thought it was funny. The furnace guy just mumbled. And for her efforts, I took one of the smaller chunks and hurled it out the door.


Come to think of it, maybe outsiders think my entire household is nuts.

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Wow, I could write pages about Cash's personality :D


1. He howls, and I mean HOWLS. He starts with a soft windup... ooooo....oooo. and then just throws his head back and lets it all out! OOOOooooOOOOoooOOOO up and down just as loud as he possibly can. :rolleyes: Yea, my neighbor's love him lol. Told them it was payback for their stupid noisy rooster. Luckily it's mostly when he's alone too much and didn't get much of a run that day. How's that for incentive to keep him exercised?! I should mention he does it sometimes while sticking his head in his house... um... is he trying to make himself deaf?


2. He melts. I've had so many people tell me they've never seen a dog do this. He loves to be held and babied. He'll come up and sit on his haunches and hold up his front legs so I can hold him. If I let go, it crushes his little heart and he slowly sinks to the ground and tips over and falls on his back. He doesn't even try to stay on his feet. :D You'd have to see this to appreciate it. It's like his whole world is over because you don't want to hold him.


3. Picture this... about a month ago my 3 horses got loose. It was dark and they disappeared into about 200 acres of corn. Just great. So I grab my little bucket of grain and my flashlight and head out into the corn and woods to find them. Lexie thought it was super cool that she got to smash through fields at night, and she sounded like a dang elephant out there. Cash? He followed me about 150 yards into the fields and disappeared. When I got home about 4 hours later.... I found him hiding in his house. That's my dog :D I think he's a-scared of the dark


I call this his playboy bunny photo, this dog is one of a kind, that's all I can say!



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I don't know if its one of Zen's top ones ( she is quite the odd girl ) but recently she has found a silly way to bring back her frisbee. My manager at work got her a tough dog frisbee from PetsMart for Christmas. Its red and a heavy material and is donut shaped with a hole in the middle. She loves the thing but since she is a bit on the small side she was having trouble carrying it. She's figured out she can stick her nose through it and bring it back by balancing it on her snout with her nose through the middle. It looks really silly .. I need to try and get a picture but shes too quick!

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#1 I was taking a fire fighter class and one of the Sat. classes was all classroom time so the teacher let me bring Lucia in for the day. I was sitting at one of the front tables and sharing it with another student. Lucia was laying under it chewing on a rawhide to keep her occupied. All of a sudden the raw hide came flying up and over the front of the table and landed in between me and guy sharing the desk. The whole classroom lost it and was literally in tears because the students that came in late had no idea she was under the desk to begin with.


#2 Grady has no body control. I'm convinced his rear end is from a completely different dog. When he was a puppy he'd fall off the bed because he couldn't tell when he was too close to the edge. One night he rolled off the side that had Lucia's soft crate next to it and got stuck upside down between the bed and the crate about a foot off the floor. Poor guy looked like a turtle trapped upside down in the sand. He was kicking his feet straight out like a rabbit and crying like it was thend of the world. I hope I didn't hurt his feelings, but laughing was the only thing to do about it.


#3 Neither dog has a solid way of telling me they have to go out for business. No barking, whining or other obvious signs. I've just kind of figured it out over time. I walked into the kitchen the other day to find Grady standing perfectly still with his nose smushed up against the door. I have no idea how long he'd been there, but the habit has seems to have stuck and now I find him standing at the door with his nose smushed against the nob in the hopes it will magically turn. The only problem, I still have no idea they need to be let out unless I walk by and see him doing it.

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I had to write another one, because these stories reminded me of some weird things Seek has done.


1. I was in a small port town last summer, and they had a thing called Shipwreck Day. Everyone in the town brings all the stuff they want to sell and set up booths on the main street. It's about a mile long. So we were walking through the crowd, when we came to an antique china and other dishwares booth. I was looking at what they had. Seek was standing too far away from me creating a "no pass zone" with her leash. So I called her over to me. "Seek, come here. Well, she thought I meant to jump up on the display booth. She jumped up, landly perfectly in between all the dishes!! It was a very crowded table as well. I was so embarassed. The worse part is I couldn't help but start laughing at how goofy she was, just standing there waiting to see what the next command would be. Agility?? The old ladies behind the booth didn't find it funny. So in order not to break anything I had to pick her up and set her down. I am still amazed to this day that she managed to find 4 perfect spots for her paws, I still don't see how she did it.


2. Anytime I go to work, I tell Seek "you have to stay here." Then if I go to pet her or give her a kiss goodbye, she crouches down and backs away, bowing her head, it's like I am taking a sledge hammer to her. It's the same reaction if someone were about to get punched. It is sooooo weird. It's like I am abusing her for making her stay home. :rolleyes: She is so dramatic!

*Okay, so she goes absolutely everywhere with me, except to work 2 nights a week. Spoiled?*

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My boy does not bark. He barks if someone comes to the door, but otherwise he is mute. I lost him just before civil twilight the other day. Trying to catch a walk in the snow, around the municipal golf course, before heading off to work. He is never far from me, so when I couldn't find him I started to cry. Crying is my default mode if I think something has happened to him. He is my dear rescue boy from Oklahoma. I am calling and calling. I left the back of the car open because I was sure he would come back to the car and jump in. After twenty very long minutes of walking back and forth, [and calling my husband all weepy and pitiful] I decided to check behind the clubhouse gate that housed the trash cans and low and behold through the crack in the gate there was a brown eyeball peering back at me attached to a 43 pound dog, and the other eyeball. Standing in total stealth like silence. I had been calling and calling [and crying], ten feet from him, and not a peep.


He also sits on his hind legs with one paw on my leg and if I take it off and let go he will sit for a second and then fall over sideways. After writing this I am thinking that although he is smart [he learns things very very fast] he is a little shaky when it comes to common sense [better your dog than your kids].


Oh, geez,I forgot about the day we were hiking and he tried to run up a rock outcropping and half way up he started to slide backwards, like a Road Runner cartoon, right into my arms. Ah, that's my boy!

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Cody - who was scared and shy when I got him, is now Mr. Rogers. When we have company - he gets so excited he yipps - this big, male border collie who is 50 plus pounds squeals in a high yip. He will yip until who ever arrived pets him - then off he goes. At agility - when we first arrive - he yips in excitement at seeing the other owners and their dogs. He still does what I ask of him, he just yips until he can calm himself down.

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Nick is a howler. His favourite time to do it is when the people become too involved in their conversation to notice he's sitting there. He'll give an especially melodic howl if new people are around. Nick totally stunned some new breakfast guests yesterday, when at a perfect pause in a very lively conversation, he gave an "A-woooo-rawr-rawr-rawr-oooo." He's got opinions, my little blue dog!


Nick also has no idea about brakes when he's chasing balls. On stock, he's incredibly coordinated. Chasing the Jolly Ball? Not so much. He'll run after it, go to grab it, and just not slow down. Generally, he goes ass over tea kettle, all the while with the ball in his mouth!


I've come home occasionally to find Nick's crate- with him in it- several inches from where it started. I have no idea what he does, but my guess it's a contained version of his, "OMG! My red thing (a red Kong Jack) is alive and I have to kill it NOW!" game. Usually, he flings it out of his crate and bounces it off the cabinet a few feet away. But if the door is shut...

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I don't know if its one of Zen's top ones ( she is quite the odd girl ) but recently she has found a silly way to bring back her frisbee. My manager at work g

ot her a tough dog frisbee from PetsMart for Christmas. Its red and a heavy material and is donut shaped with a hole in the middle. She loves the thing but since she is a bit on the small side she was having trouble carrying it. She's figured out she can stick her nose through it and bring it back by balancing it on her snout with her nose through the middle. It looks really silly .. I need to try and get a picture but shes too quick!



You mean... like this?! :rolleyes:




Or like... this?



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Ha Ha!! These are all fantastic stories...


Shiloh does a few funny things...


We have been trying to teach him a howl, by howling for him. It takes about 2 minutes and he puffs his cheeks up and tries to make the sound. He finally did it the other day ( a baby sized howl) and it made him so nervous that he jumped into my lap and hid his face.


My favorite thing about him though..... when he gets nervous, he gets the hick-ups. It has happened since he first came as a little pup. Loud sound= hickup! Fire alarm=hickup! Weird tv sounds..... haha.... I love him.

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Guest maya's mom

Haha....speaking of hiccups....Maya is scared to death if I get the hiccups. This usually happens to me after I take a sip of pop or something. I'll swallow, let out a big hiccup and even if she had been in a dead sleep, she will dart out from where she was, slink by me, while looking at me out of the side of her eye, and run upstairs! And she won't come near me for the rest of the night.


Another funny thing she does, is totally freak out when my husband and I are watching a show like, American Idol. Again, she could be in a dead sleep, and if she hears us say something negative about a contestant, like "man that guy stinks!", she will come running out, grab her frisbee and shake it violently. Then she'll sit there with it in her mouth for a minute, like, "is this play time"? It's gotten to the point where once she lays down for the night, my husband and I use hand signals to talk to each other!


She also loves to chew on her feet every night before she sleeps. Usually it starts with some deep sratching of the ears with her back foot. Then, she'll smell said foot, and the proceed to put the enitre thing in her mough like a chicken wing. Every night. Never fails!

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I call this his playboy bunny photo, this dog is one of a kind, that's all I can say!




I LOVE this picture! Too funny and sooo cute :rolleyes:

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This isn't all BC exclusive, as I have 3 different breeds in my house, but funny nonetheless!


#1 I taught Sage, my Lab, to fetch beer out of the fridge. (My Fiance loves this trick!) She loves the trick and all the attention she gets for doing it. I sometimes forget to remove her tug rope off the fridge door handle. So, when she is feeling very neglected, she runs off, opens the fridge herself, and searches for things to bring me. Once, when the beer was not stocked, she grabbed a wine bottle and drug it all the way to me in the living room. She will also sometimes open the fridge searching for a little snack...... rascal! I guess that's the price paid for beer delivery!


#2 My BC, Nell, has this weird thing with the things she gets fixated on touching her. She will stalk the cat, but if the cat turns on her and starts walking towards her she will back away through the whole house, not loosing sight, but not letting it touch her either! She just walks in reverse until Kitty turns his back again. It's really funny when kitty chases her throughout the house! She will also not let any toy that you are holding touch her. She will do the same thing. You can chase her in reverse by holding the toy up to her face. Weird!


3# My friend's dog has a "stink face". Her boyfriend chews tobacco, and they discovered one day by accident, that if they hold the snuff under her nose she will wrinkle her nose and show her front teeth. She then snorts and runs away. Its the funniest thing I've ever seen a dog do.

I want to try and get a picture of Cadence's "stink face"!

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3# My friend's dog has a "stink face". Her boyfriend chews tobacco, and they discovered one day by accident, that if they hold the snuff under her nose she will wrinkle her nose and show her front teeth. She then snorts and runs away. Its the funniest thing I've ever seen a dog do.

Senneca will actually get angry and growl if she sees someone lighting up a cigarette. She will do it even if the person is in a car a couple of lanes away at the traffic lights. She also shown her teeth and growled at a woman who came up to her and wanted to pet her -- turned out the woman smelled of cigarettes. We are all non-smokers in our house -- just as well.

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1. Kit cleans out the dregs in the popcorn bowl while I'm out of the room (BAD DOG!). This is particularly strange because I season my popcorn with cayenne pepper!


2. Kit HATES live music. Some crazy dude showed up to the dog park once with a set of bagpipes and began playing. Most dogs ignored him, but Kit went running right up to him barking her head off, as if to tell him to bugger off.


3. One day on a regular walk, Kit went nuts. Froze, turned towards a house on the other side of the street and began snarling/barking. When the same thing happened again the next day, we investigated (I was curious). Crossed the street and IDed the object of her obsession: a tarp laying in someone's driveway. Nothing under it or on it, but it was pretty dirty. I was throwing treats to show her that there was nothing to fear when the owner of the house came out to see what we were doing. I explained and he said "Well, I know why she's acting weird!: I shot a bear this weekend and wrapped it in that tarp! It's covered in bear blood." My jaw hit the ground when I realized she was trying to protect me.

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