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Why the carpet?


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Why, when one has over 1500 sqft of hardwood flooring available, why would one choose to find one of two 5'x7' carpets to throw up on? Why? I suppose it is better than going downstairs to throw up on the wall-to-wall carpeting, but I gather that trick is saved for diarrhea....

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Why, when one has over 1500 sqft of hardwood flooring available, why would one choose to find one of two 5'x7' carpets to throw up on? Why? I suppose it is better than going downstairs to throw up on the wall-to-wall carpeting, but I gather that trick is saved for diarrhea....


I hear you. My house is 90% tile and the dogs always choose carpet or a rug. I guess it reminds them of grass for some reason???? I should buy stock in Spot Shot.

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Dogs that potty on grass normally will make messes on carpet. City dogs that are used to pottying on pavement normally will make messes on bare surfaces. Whatever you are used to!


Nice theory, but it doesn't quite fit my experience. Senneca has rarely has had accidents, but when in extreme distress, chose the tiles; Rhys bach, chose the carpet. I know that Rhys was a city dog -- Senneca a was a stray with unknown background.

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And why do our cats choose to vomit on my lap? Does this mean that I'm a close facsimile of a litter box?


By the way - there's NOTHING, in my experience, that awakens you faster than the sound of a cat regurgitating in your lap in the middle of the night. Infants awakening from hunger or wet diapers or disease or whatever can't hold a candle to the power of a cat's retching.

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And why do our cats choose to vomit on my lap? Does this mean that I'm a close facsimile of a litter box?


By the way - there's NOTHING, in my experience, that awakens you faster than the sound of a cat regurgitating in your lap in the middle of the night. Infants awakening from hunger or wet diapers or disease or whatever can't hold a candle to the power of a cat's retching.


OMG, I'm sorry, call me evil or sadistic, which I'm typically not, but I just busted up laughing reading your post. In your lap...really? You must have been an evil cat chasing terrier in a past life or something. Has it really happened multiple times? Our cats would quickly be outside only. Sorry for laughing at your expense, but thank you :rolleyes:

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I've had several dogs who also would always find carpet to stand on when given a tasty treat like a Milk Bone. In that instance, I assumed that they liked to be on a soft surface so when they had to pick up the small pieces, they didn't have to bang their noses into tile or hardwood. My dog also chose to only vomit on carpet, so out went the rugs.


Buddy is very, very thoughtful. He's only had accidents in the house twice, maybe three times at the most, when he was sick. In all instances, he went upstairs into the back bedroom, which is unoccupied and only used for storage of miscellaneous junk. My old dog used to go down into the cellar when she needed to have an accident. :rolleyes:



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I have always had dogs that would fill their mouth at the food bowl carry it into the living room on the carpet and eat. I accidently trained sugar to go on a towel in emergencies. When she was a baby they were raised in the laundry room and that is still where she will go on a towel waiting for laundry. Vomit is a 50/ 50 proposition.

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Masi likes to hide it, any corner she can find. Makes for a lovely surprise a couple days later. Rhea and Gunnar have no preference and will just start hacking wherever but we can usually call them onto the tile or linoleum in time (sometimes...). Gunnar once had an accident...in the tub. I thought that was nice of him. Easiest clean up ever! If I could only be so lucky every time!

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Words of advice, once they start to puke, don't try to move them to a better spot. My Maine Coon cat started to puke on my put down the day before wall to wall carpeting. My husband yelled at him so instead of a small(large) pile of catpuke, I had to clean a 15ft trail of the stuff - at 2 AM. Sorry about the lap thing, they learn the darndest things from each other. Probably from now until you no longer have cats they will do that to you since that is how it is done in your house :rolleyes: My crew's bizarre behavior goes back several generations of cats. I had one who sat on his butt with his feet out in front of him to get washed, or to watch TV, or whatever it was that he was doing. I never had one do that before, but every one since has picked it up from the other members of the cat household.

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OMG, I'm sorry, call me evil or sadistic, which I'm typically not, but I just busted up laughing reading your post. In your lap...really? You must have been an evil cat chasing terrier in a past life or something. Has it really happened multiple times? Our cats would quickly be outside only. Sorry for laughing at your expense, but thank you


I think I earned this "award" by having them both neutered. This was their way of getting back at me for that transgression. They were/are both indoor only cats, so I didn't evict them. I do have to confess, though, that my instinctive reaction was to convert them into feline projectiles each time it happened. Fortunately they've always forgiven me.


Each has been my older son's cat - former and now current (cat, not son) - so they normally sleep wrapped around him. It only seems to happen when I have the flu or something and decamp to another room so I'm not keeping DH up coughing all night long. (Fair's fair, he's the one who gets the whole family up and moving in the morning - I'm not a morning person - so he deserves the real bed). Cats think it's sufficiently novel to see me sleeping on the sofa that they always end up on my lap. And, very occasionally (more so with the present barfy one than with the last one) they throw up. (You can see why I'm happy to have the cat sleep with my son - what will I do when the cat transfers his affections to me next year when/(if?) DS goes off to college?).


The worst place that the current cat ever vomited was ALL OVER THE HOME COMPUTER. He likes sleeping on the monitor (not a flat-screen one), and, well, just lost it... Let me assure you, it's much easier cleaning it up off the carpet.

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