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We've got a dog with a broken toe with a splint/cast on his whole leg. They sent him home with a plastic e-collar but since he's going to be wearing it for 4 weeks I don't want it to rub his neck raw. What are durable, soft e-collars that you guys recommend?


Also, how do you keep a dog with a cast on? :rolleyes: He's flopping his head around trying (I guess?) to get the e-collar off. Should we let him do this so he learns that it won't come off, or should I try to keep him as still as possible?

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AFAIK, they make e-collars that you can thread the dogs regular collar through. This would cut down on the rubbing. They also make special collars that are made to keep the dogs head from bending but I am sure those only work for hind end injuries. Also, you could take the e-collar off when you can suppervise. Also, be sure to give lots of butt and side scratches, as the dog won't be able to get at itchies!

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Kaycee broke all 4 toes (metatarsals) in her back foot a week and a half ago with 2 pins inserted. They sent her home with an e-coller, but we have actually yet to use it. Kaycee does not bother her foot too much if at all. Now granted, someone is always home with her so we can watch her, and I know if I left her alone in her crate for even 10 minutes - she probably would start chewing at it out of bordom. Each dog is different, but have you tried not even using it - atleast while your home? A simple "AHH AHH" stops Kaycee in her tracks when she feels the urge to even mouth her leg.


Also Kaycee has been one PAIN IN THE A$$ as far as keeping still and quiet. She broke her leg on 3/13, it's now 3/24 and she is "running" through out the house - not on any pain meds any more - and doesn't even seem to phase her. Now, don't get me wrong, we are not remotely tring to encourage her, but even discourage her from doing any form of activity, but she just can't help herself. Her foot is very tightly wrapped and splinted, and as of the last few days she has been bearing full weight on her foot. We go back to the doc on thursday for another bandage change (keeping this dry is another pain in the you know what - plastic sandwich bags with the same colored wrap her foot is in works best for us). If you need any "is your puppy/dog doing this? questions please email me .... Erik



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I don't have a link handy, but look for Bite-Not collars. There is another brand which is very similar. It's a lot like a cervical collar for humans (like you see after folks have been rear-ended in a car accident). It just keeps the neck straight, so they can't chew front or rear. It has to be sized VERY carefully - too long, and it's uncomfortable. Too short, and they can get to the foot. But it is SOOOO much better than the stupid lampshades! In the Bite-Not, they can eat, drink, and get through doorways! Hope you can find one.



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I'm another happy user of Bonafido's soft e-collar (versus the lampshade). For a foot injury, though, I have had GREAT success using their Ruff Tuff bandage guards. These things really work, they take lots of punishment, and the foot can still breath a bit. YMMV, but I was able to leave the dog unattended for many hours at a time and the Ruff Tuffs stayed in place.


When you're nearby and can keep an eye on him, you could just cover the bandage with a sock or some such, which would protect it long enough for you to interrupt any attempts at chewing on the bandage before he got through the sock.


If you're game, here is a link with instructions for making your own BiteNot-style collar from a yoghurt container. Haven't tried them myself.

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You can use 2 inch or 1 1/2 thick inch foam. Make sure it is a firm foam. You wrap this around the dogs neck, and tape. It should be firm enough to stop bending to reach the body, but the dog can eat and drink and lie down comfortably. I`ve used this method for several serious problems.

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