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Prescription meds

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I'm sure this warning has gone out before but I feel compelled to send it out again.


Obviously we know our prescriptions meds are dangerous to our pets. I think sometimes we forget just how dangerous they can be nor do we think some of our pets would ever even try to get into them. Well, we found out tragically just how deadly they are and how inviting they can be to a curious dog.


My friend came out to my place for the weekend. I'd been keeping her dog, Mick, for her because she had a foster pup that he didn't get along with. Mick is the brother to my Nora and they were raised together so my place is basically his second home. He'd been with me for 2 weeks.


When she arrived, we brought her bags in, set them down and we went to dinner. She had put her drugs in her overnight bag and her dog found them. He was not the type of dog to get into things but he did that night. Only thing I can think is that he thought they were fish oil pills because they were capsules and were in a similar bottle and we give our dogs fish oil capsules regularly and they love them.


By the time we got home from dinner, it was too late. The drugs were already in his system and we couldn't get him to vomit. He died 3 hrs later at the ER. It was a horrible horrilbe experience that I don't want anyone else to have to go thru. He had grand maul seizures like I've never seen, screaming in pain, thrashing, trying to bite us. I've never cried so hard in my entire life. Thankfully we were with him when he died.


Rest in peace Mick, we love you dearly and miss you terribly.



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I am so very sorry.


I can't convince my husband of this fact for love or money. I find his bag of prescription medications - open - where the dogs can reach them at least several times a week. I have told him and told him and told him and told him . . .


I can only pray he never learns the hard way.

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I am so sorry for your loss. As soon as I read this post, I moved my meds. I must be a total idiot as I keep my prescription medication along with Bailey's in a drawer in the kitchen. Both my dogs associate the word "Pill" with food as she takes her low thyroid pill twice a day and it's easier for me to remember to just feed afterward. Thank you so much for the reminder. You might have saved one or two dogs lives at my house.

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That is so terrible. I am so sorry for your loss. It's a gruesome reminder that it is our responsability to keep them safe and out of trouble. Having one dog who opened and ate a bunch of aspirin as a pup, I know the inimaginable fear and terror of finding what happened and rushing to the ER in the middle of the night.


My thoughts are with you and your friend.

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Thank you everyone for your kind words. Yes it has been a very difficult time for both of us, I can only imagine how hard it was for my friend to go home without her boy and to deal with all the memories of him there. She has a really rough time of it and took off work the end of the week to come back out to the farm. Its much easier here, lots of ways to take ones mind off of things and be surrounded by other animals, horses, sheep and of course plenty of dogs.


Bo Peep, I'm very glad this may of been a help to you, thats why I posted it. We all get into a routine and often don't see the obvious dangers that are right in front of us.


Kristine, I hope your husband does read my post for both of your sakes. Trust me, you don't want to temp fate on this one because it'll rip your heart out.


Thanks again everyone and be safe,



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