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What is ?average? activity level?

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Meg and Ruby are at opposite ends of the activity spectrum. Meg is 4 and while she plays with Ruby occasionally, and has several car chase zooms inside the fence every day, she spends most of her time at home just lying around. When we go to the park, her passion is hunting. She hunches down and stalks squirrels slowly, freezing when the squirrel looks toward her. She hasn?t gotten one yet, but she keeps trying. Meg also loves to dig for mice and she has gotten four.


When we brought Ruby home we thought she was quiet, but it turned out that she was sick with kennel cough and giardia. When she recovered, she ran constantly in the yard. I didn?t see her walk, sit, or lie down outside for months. Ruby is now just over a year old, and she is finally slowing down a bit. She is very lean and built like a Whippet. She still chases birds and runs many, many laps around the yard when she hears barking, but she has begun to lie down outside occasionally. When Ruby sees a squirrel, she screams and chases ? no stalking for her!


Since my girls are so different, I?m curious to know which one, if either, has a more typical activity level.



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Meg and Ruby are beautiful! Meg's stalking of squirrels is very similar to Ouzo's, but after he stalks them long and hard, he turns into your Ruby and chases them I'd say Ruby's level of energy is closer to my dog's.

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Ruby's energy and running around like a crazy dog is closer to Dazzle - but the whole stalking thing is also very Dazzle-like.


So with your two dogs, they may not each be the most common Border Collie activity level, but put together they are perfect! :rolleyes:

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lol sounds like my girls, I would say both my dogs have an average activity level, they simply USE it in differnt ways. Misty is very bouncy, I call her a springboard, she is very jumpy and seems like she can go on forever, however its because she uses her rest time to her full advantage, when she lays down prepared to run ,she is using that down time to build up her energy again, she does not have her muscles all tensed up, rather she relaxes. Happy seems to tire faster, but she utilizes her enery differntly, when she lays down in wait, she is all tensed up raring to go, but with her muscles always tensed up she does not last as long, and SEEMS to have less energy.

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Katie, bc mix, is very active. I have a mixed breed boy (shepherd, sheltie, beagle,?) who is the same age and displays what I consider a "normal" energy level for a healthy young dog - he hides from Katie after a couple of hours because she is still going strong - chasing, wrestling, jumpinhg in/out of wading pool, etc. and he's worn out! :rolleyes: Sara was pretty much the same way as Katie at that age; she didn't calm down a lot until she was around 10. My late Meg, however, didn't see a lot of point to activity unless she was herding something!

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Pepper was sickly when we got her too. Now she is the extreme hyper girl...lol.She can go all day. She is also more of a bird/squirrel stalker...lol.


Poppy is more laid back(unless you get the dog ball out). He gets tired quicker and is more of a couch potato.

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Bordercentrics, your dogs are gorgeous!

My Sophie runs straight to the nearst tree and watches for squirrels, although we go to different places she knows exactley where the best trees are!

She loves the frisbee and will run fast for the ball, although she isn't so hot on retreiving it.

Sophie has lots of energy but apart from following me around she keeps quiet.

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Dakota is calm inside the house, very well mannered and almost lazy if I'm just sitting at the computer desk.


Outside, he's a completely different dog. Psychotic sums it up nicely. He is in nonstop motion when we're outside; he'll run or swim until he collapses and is constantly dropping tennis balls in our laps.


Dakota's energy level outdoors seems normal, but I'm surprised to see how polite and low-key he can be in the house. He's not opposed to wrestling on the carpet or playing a game of catch, but he's not insane when we're indoors. He likes to have something to do, but if he doesn't have something to do he will just curl up and sleep, or watch TV (he's genuinely addicted to television, and sports are his favorite - he's been glued to the set lately because of the world cup!)

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Zoe gets the zoomies when she goes outside, running in circles and back and forth, growling at nothing all the while. She also expends a lot of energy biting at and wrestling with Zeeke. But when I sit down, she's out. She's currently napping beside me, every once in a while rolling onto her back to stretch. If I started making the bitey-hand and riling her up she'd be in full-force... but she seems to have a REALLY good off switch.


Oreo on the other hand has always found it extremely taxing to work up any energy. LOL I'd chase her around the yard and she'd just get slower and slower, then stop. She WILL go tearing off after a squirrel, but that's pretty much it. When she was young (like 2) I'd rollerblade with her.... and she'd slow down and stop if I made her pull without helping. She just prefers to sleep all day, and eat, and chew on a toy, then sleep some more.


But neither of my dogs are purebred.

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