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Tad Rehomed

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Many of your lended your support and advice when I posted about Tad a few days ago. This is just a little note to let you know that Tad's found a great new home, perfectly suited to his needs.


I went to a herding clinic last Sunday run by Susan Rhoades and Wink Mason. (Joe Anne was there too, I got to see her gorgeous boy Phoenix ) Laurie, who'd told me about the clinic, had told Susan about Tad's situation, and I assume she passed on the information to Wink. Anyway, while I was in the corral with Chili and the sheeps, Wink took Tad aside and began working with him. After gaining Tad's trust to as great an extent possible (for a strange man Tad had never seen before), Wink took Tad in with the sheep. Tad turned on almost instantly. After working Tad a second time later in the clinic, Wink came up to me and told me that he really liked Tad, that he thought he was a really nice dog who didn't need to be euthanized (preaching to the choir, as far as I'm concerned :rolleyes: ), and that he really liked Tad's attitude toward the sheep. After talking together a bit longer, I agreed to let Wink take Tad. He said he might get Tad started on sheep and then sell him to a farmer or one of his students, or he might keep him around to help him around his farm and with lessons.


Even though I knew Tad had found a perfect new home, it was really hard to walk away and leave him there. Wink doesn't mind at all if I come out to visit every once in a while, so at least I'll get to see Tad again -- that helps! Plus, Wink's a really nice man who loves his dogs. He doesn't care one bit if a dog doesn't like strangers, and that, as far as I'm concerned, was Tad's only real issue.


Tad will get to do what he was bred to do, every day. Once he adjusts, I think he'll thrive. Overall, I think this will be much harder on me than it is on him.




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That is a very happy ending to a difficult situation. You will miss Tad, but he is in good hands. I know it was hard. Hopefully you will be able to keep up with where he ends up. It's great to that he will get to work sheep. Who knows how far he will go?


It may be hard for you now, but you did what you could for him. And it was a good thing you did.

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That's fantastic! I'm sure it is going to be tough for you since you had him from a tiny pup, but how great to be able to visit him. I've read it often on these boards by the experienced that herding is great therapy as well.

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Jenny, Hey sweetie, I didn't even know that was you and your Tad yesterday, until I went to the trailer to buy some bully bones and found out then.

Well I am sooooo happy for you and your most beautiful boy Tad. I never would have known, he seemed so very well behaved. I was commenting to my daughter, (who had the 2 kids,hubby and the yellow lab with her and the tiny little short haired/smooth coat, BC girl, Amica) Phoenix's littermate/sister), how pretty Tad was.

So now you know what I mean about my whackey boy Phoenix. I obviously have my work cut out for me. I too was very impressed with how Wink and Susan handled him. I feel also that Tad is in really good hands and a good home. At least Tad was quiet during the whole day, not so with my t Phoenix. The only dog making a "scene". He is only like that when we are around dog and people he dosen't know. But I was suprised that during the day he was pretty good with the people, but it was all the dogs that really set him off. I have been working with him with the stranger issues with people, but hadn't even begun with dogs. After yesterday watching Wink and Susan, you can best bet, Mr. Phoenix's training is taking a new road.

You did the right thing, Jenny. I know from first hand experience how hard it is to walk away from your best friend. Once in all the 39 yrs, my hubby and I have been married, we HAD TO rehome one of our precious boys. It wasn't due to aggression against people, but we had 2 male dogs, that just plain decided after about 5 yrs they didn't like each other anymore. My hubby (who by the way was the real tall guy who asked if he could pet Tad!), and I were only in our very early 20's and didn't really know how to even begin dealing with this issue. The fighting got sooo bad, that one of the dogs actually went through our very large dining room plate glass window, when he saw the other dog in the yard!!! bam right through it. We knew these 2 could not live together anymore, and we too were truly blessed, just like you and Tad, with finding a home for him that we couldn't have ordered better. We kept in touch with this family for about 25 years, until the Dad of the family died, and Deacon (our baby) died less than a year after. The Dad and Deacon, according to the Mrs. were inseperable. The Dad died of cancer, and I found out that Deacon had cancer the same time as Dad was getting treatment, too. Deacon was doing well, but apparently gave up after Dad died, and died within I think months of the Dad. He was such a wonderful dog, I loved him so and still have his picture on my wall. The Mrs. and I kept in touch for about 8 yrs after that, and some how over the last 2-3 yrs. (she moved), I haven't heard from her. I am only telling you this because, it sure looks like your boy, is gonna have a hopefully long happy life, doing what BC's are supposed to do. It is good that you can visit too.

After yesterday, and seeing how Wink and Susan were with Phoenix, we are going to hopefully continue our herding training with them, so who knows maybe I will see you again, and hopefully see your boy Tad, when he shows Phoenix how it is supposed to be done!!!!!

I am sad for you at the same time I am very happy for you and Tad.

You can PM me anytime if you want to continue talking. (((hugs))

Take care sweetie.

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Ps.. please ignore the type o's..

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Thanks everyone. These days following me giving him up have been really hard! He was my shadow. He followed me everywhere. The house feels so empty without him here. Yeahh... I'm mopey. Very sad that my boy is gone, but relieved that he found the perfect home.


Joe Anne, I'm glad you were able to find such a great home for Deacon! I hope I'll have a similar experience with Tad, and be able to watch him grow and see him happy with his new situation. He was very well behaved on Sunday. I've learned to watch him, and our surroundings, like a hawk, and am generally able to avoid the bad situations he reacts most strongly to x) His aggression, and determination to bite strange people was his only real issue, the only one I wasn't able to help him through. He was such a great dog in every other respect, I kind of hope Wink notices!


Your husband was very nice, I was happy that he asked, from a distance, if he could pet Tad before actually approaching. It gave me time to shove Tad behind me XD


I hope everything goes well with Phoenix! You seem like just the right person to handle his problems. And, as I said on your other thread, my only regret for the day was that I didn't get the chance to chat with you




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Im glad that your solution is great in everyones intrests. I was curious though are you gonna adopt another dog? After reading about SincereArtisan, and Fooshuman and others, (spelling wrong im sure) I guess jumping in and getting another is best. But I was wondering if you were going to. Might make the house seem less empty.

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