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ABCA: Banned Breeders


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I know nothing of the history, but the training videos make me sad. It mostly seems like frustrated border collies chasing after a toy they will never catch (it just happens to be over a jump).


Most other breeds would have abandoned the training immediately when they realized there was no payoff and tons of repetition.

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It seems to me that she is confusing cat agility training with dog agility training. In cat agility you use a lure just like that to get the cat to follow to do the course. Nothing like dog agility. In fact, what she is training seems very detrimental to an agility dog.


Check it out...http://catagility.com/


She is young though and might be given to flights of fantasy. After all...her "animals are/will be extreme preformance stunt show animals", even the 6 month old.


In regards to the original video, I'm not really sure of the point. All that info is readily available, why would it be easier to find on youtube than on the ABCA's site?



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Huh, I have never heard of cat agility. Looks like they just made mini dog equipment. It would make more sense to me for them to develop their own obstacles to best demonstrate the agility of cats, rather than just copying dogs.


It looks like that girl needs to take some agility training classes. I like to see young people excited about dogs and training them, but she has a lot to learn.

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Tranq, IIRC - and mind you, I'm not guaranteeing I DO recall right - the poster of the video is a youngster whose enthusiasm may have overwhelmed their good sense. If it's who I'm thinking of, the individual in question had created a website for their "kennel" which appears to have existed in the imagination more than IRL. However, the imaginary kennel had some "red flag" sorts of remarks or contentions on it, which were called into question here on the boards. (For example, statements regarding the ability of the supposed puppies, which as you know can't be assessed at such a young age.) I don't recall the exact upshot, but I believe it turned out that no actual breeding dogs or puppies were in danger at the time; I don't recall if there was a rescue aspect to the site or not.


However, anyone here please feel free to correct me if I'm mis-remembering.

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Hmmm. Yes, that's true.


On the other hand, even I, green as I am, knew of these breeders' sanctioning, and didn't need a video to be made aware of their fall from grace. The video strikes me as being... Well, a bit "Nyah Nyah Nyah," if you take my meaning.


I don't have any history with this girl, but it seems to me she could have been doing something rather more positive with her enthusiasm, rather than celebrating someone else's downfall.

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Well, I was referring more to the criticism of the videos on her home page. As for the subject video, I assume its purpose (beyond a desire to be on the side of the angels, and be approved of for once) was to spread the word that these are not good breeders to buy a dog from. PLENTY of people looking for a pup don't know that, believe me. I doubt it will have that effect -- I agree with you about how it comes across and I'd personally rather she hadn't done it -- but it seems entirely possible to me that it was well-intentioned.


She's young, she's trying to find her place in the world, when all is said and done she has apparently never bred a border collie, and I didn't see anything about breeding on her website now. That may not merit a click, but I don't see why it merits another round of disparagement either.



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Taking this on another direction: Even i am surprised & find it interesting that this little video produced by this not so coherent teenager held my attention.


bottom line, I think those little video snippets, done in that way, have impact. just my own $.01.


Regardless of the rest of the site, putting such facts to music in the way she did it, in my mind, really put the information out there for those who don't know TO look for it.


Would she reach anyone? A good question. I think so--for those who are relatively uninformed--say, young, or new, naive but well intentioned, naive & ignorant, or not really very savvy. It's just that sort of public domain that will reach out to those not on this or other similar boards OR who are just starting to look into the breed....Isn't it just that sort of audience who needs the information--and isn't that just the type of format that will reach them?

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I've seen her on another board I'm on, or another couple boards - general dog boards - I forget how many - and she seems to be okay. :rolleyes:


I'm reminded of when I was five and I was stricken with the overwhelming desire to tell everyone walking down our (quite busy) street that Jesus loved them. Oh yeah, and they were going to Hell if they didn't love Jesus back.


When we grow up we realize there are more mature and effective ways to reach people with the messages that matter.

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I didn't look at the videos on the home page, but in general I thought that the vid linked in the OP represented a possible step in the right direction... at minimum, it means she's aware that there ARE such things as acceptable and non-acceptable breeding practices, and it at least suggests she's inclined to have SOME willingness to discover what those might be and line up on the side of the "good". One can hope that that inclination might continue on to the ideal of BC breeding (ie, for stockworking ability ONLY.) Her current method might not be what we'd all prefer to see ideally, but it MIGHT in fact reach at least some of the uninformed, and it does appear to represent a step in the direction we WOULD prefer.


But I hope I wasn't being disparaging... I was just trying to answer a question for Tranq and any others who might've had the same question. I'd have PM'd that but for the thought that others might have the same query. Sorry if I was out of line for that.

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ABCA: Banned Breeders video


I saw this on YouTube (I apologize if this was already posted) ... and I wondered what the point of it was. And then I clicked on the ID of the person that put the video up there and it all made perfect sense. LOL!!!





OMG. I read the thread linked further down during my break yesterday. Good God, what a tale! Is everyone 100% sure this member was the age they said she was?


The inetrnet can be such a strange place...

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I am more of the opinion that her video is more of a "Ninny ninny ha ha" type of thing like Tranquilis mentioned, however, I will, for the pupose of this conversation, give her the benefit of the doubt that the motivation behind it is to educate the public. With that said, if you look at the "Updates" page on her website, and scoll all the way down to the bottom, you will see that she is trying to buy yet another pup ... a fourth pup ... from a breeder found on puppyfind (the biggest puppymill advertising website on the web). Yes, I already found the pup, and here is the breeder profile. Puppyfind Breeder. With this in mind, I am not sure that this is someone I'd like to encourage to "educate the public." While she's leaning in the right direction, she has a long way to go. Here's the links she lists on her site. <sigh>


I am not sure if her father ended up buying her that fourth pup, but if he did, the makings are ripe for several future litters of puppies considering there are several females and a male ... and I would venture a guess that they are all intact, although, I pray I'm wrong.



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With that said, if you look at the "Updates" page on her website, and scoll all the way down to the bottom, you will see that she is trying to buy yet another pup ... a fourth pup ... from a breeder found on puppyfind (the biggest puppymill advertising website on the web). Yes, I already found the pup, and here is the breeder profile. Puppyfind Breeder.


The thought of this child "educating the public" after she states that this, um, volume breeder-bred puppy has an "Awesome pedigree too" is downright frightening. Perhaps she should stick to educating herself first.

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I think she had good intentions with the video, but I am not sure she should be the one Educating people lol.


and yes her dogs appear to be all intact, including Jake who I do beleive she claimed to have had Altered. she pretty much states they are intact in the descriptions of some of her videos lol

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Perhaps she should stick to educating herself first.

Yeah, I was actually thinking something along this line - While I'm sure she means well, well... Sometimes there are some friends you'd rather *didn't* speak up. At least not until they've got a good grasp on things. 'Help' from the wrong quarter can be as destructive as malice, sometimes. It's one thing to spread the word on the barred breeders, it's another to do so whilst displaying a fair degree of (correctable) ignorance at the same time - it kinda discredits the message.

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But I hope I wasn't being disparaging... I was just trying to answer a question for Tranq and any others who might've had the same question.


No, I absolutely wasn't referring to you, doc.


Is everyone 100% sure this member was the age they said she was?


Does her site leave you in any doubt?

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