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Send good thoughts for Chaos


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A snake bit Chaos while I was at school today. :rolleyes: Mom put all of the dogs outside while she was eating lunch and a little later, she took a copperhead away from them. All of them were acting normal at first, but Chaos rolled over a few minutes later and revealed his swollen hind paw. The vet thinks he may have injured his knee in the process, but we won't know until the swelling goes down. We just picked him up and he's enjoying a bone in his crate. His hind paw is quivering a bit and it's still very swollen. Send good thoughts to the poor guy, he just started CGC class last night and is supposed to start agility in January. Not so if his knee's hurt like the vet thinks it is. Both of us celebrate our birthdays tomorrow, so this was an awful birthday surprise for him.


I am incredibly relieved that he's okay... You could hear my heart hit the floor when my mom told me he was already at the vet's!!

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most dogs don't die or have residual effects from snakebites (at least from North American snakes). We've had several dogs over the years bit by copperheads, even one in the face, and none had more than swelling for a few days to a week. One dog, bit in the face, did lose one of the small front teeth.


Hopefully the knee is nothing more than the spread of swelling from the bite.

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Oh Devi, I decided to just quickly check the boards and saw this. I'm so sorry for you and Chaos. If it makes you feel any better, a copper head bite is one of the least serious venomous snake bites. His paw is probably a bit sore, but he should be just fine. My super intelligent dogs tried to "play" with a coral snake about a month ago. I nearly had a heart attack! That's NOT a snake you want to mess with!


Give Chaos a hug and kiss from us. :rolleyes:

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Oh Devi, I decided to just quickly check the boards and saw this. I'm so sorry for you and Chaos. If it makes you feel any better, a copper head bite is one of the least serious venomous snake bites. His paw is probably a bit sore, but he should be just fine. My super intelligent dogs tried to "play" with a coral snake about a month ago. I nearly had a heart attack! That's NOT a snake you want to mess with!


My also-quite-intelligent dogs had a coral snake recently, too... So you can imagine me freaking out when I found out he was at the vet's with a snake bite!!! Guh!


Thanks, everyone. He's been sleeping for a few hours now.

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Hope Chaos is OK .You are just lucky you dont live in Australia we have Brown snakes(AKA King Browns) that are very venomous and if an animal or human is bitten by one you have to get anti veneme very quickly or its fatal.They are getting pretty active now (its our spring) and they are cranky coz they are hungry and looking for a mate! I have known quite a few dogs who dont make it after being bitten.They also live all over in the city and the bush .I have even seen them on the beach .!!!!!

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most dogs don't die or have residual effects from snakebites (at least from North American snakes).


Hopefully the knee is nothing more than the spread of swelling from the bite.


Even Rattlers? Thats good to know since there are a lot of those in California and when Chesney and I go hiking on the horse trails I always worry about that.


I hope his knee is just sore from the swelling as well. Swelling in places its not supposed to be is very irritating to the body :rolleyes:


*hugs and birthday wishes to you and Chaos*

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