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Develeoped Fear?

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There was a thunderstorm last night. Usually Whisper has no problems with storms. However, I had fed the cat upstairs (to get away from the two dogs that don't go upstairs at all; Whisper goes up and down as she pleases) and Whisper followed me up, probably hoping to steal some cat food when the cat was done. I went back downstairs, and Whisper did not follow me down right away. I could also hear that she had not yet tried to steal the food because there were no toenails clicking on the hardwood floor and her tags that clink together whenever she moves had not yet clinked.


Then there was a bright flash of lightning, a very sharp crack of thunder and then a thundering of paws, clicking of toenails and clinking together of dog tags. Instantly, I called to her so she knew where I was and she clattered down the stairs and right to my side and put her nose in my hand. I reassured her and then she was fine.


Perhaps that one sudden loud noise scared her, or maybe she is mildly fearful of storms. Come to think of it, in any new situation that she is exposed to she is almost always with me (if not me, then DH) and I do notice she looks to me for instructions.


Anyway, anyone else ever notice a fear of items similar to this experience?

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We had a pretty good thunderstorm a few weeks ago, and when lightning struck in the neighbourhood, both dogs wanted reassurance. I was worried that they might develop a general fear of thunder from that experience, but so far I've noticed no reaction to normal, far-away thunder or lightning.

I think it's pretty normal, anyone would be worried about loud bangs shaking the house :rolleyes: (I used to be pretty terrified of them myself before I had someone to take care of!).

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My original three dogs all vary in their reaction to storms. Usually Sammie, Speedy, and Maddie are not bothered by them. But every now and then one or the other of them is particularly bothered.


I remember one storm in the middle of the night had Sammie shaking and clinging to me for dear life. That has never happened since, and Speedy and Maddie weren't really affected like that. Who knows what was different about that one storm for Sammie.

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Have you ever reacted badly to the thunder? About a week ago we had one extreamly loud thunder crack! It sounded like 5 guns going off by our window... no exageration. Chris fell out of bed and peered out the window expecting something to have blown up. I have slept through a fire alarm before, and I sat straight up in bed and my first reaction was to put my arms around Ceana. The last couple of times she has heard thunder she looks at me with the first crack to see how I will react. Then she is fine. ( Luckily I am not actually scared of thunder so I doubt that will ever happen again)

Maybe something has caused Whisper to start questioning thunder all of a sudden.

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My little pupper is VERY afraid of thunder. Even if we're outside and he hears some way off he'll kind of crouch down and he keeps looking back at me to see what I do. I just try to act like I didn't hear anything. But if it's very close at all I head for the house because I don't know if he would run or not if it hit close enough. He does like to sit in my lap when it's lightning though.





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AJ, that's such a sweet photo of you two boys! I wish Ouzo would sit on my lap longer than 3.5 seconds :rolleyes:


I am so lucky, Ouzo hasn't shown any sign of fear of any loud noises, be those thunder or fireworks. We drove past a big firework show on 4th of July and he didn't even glance at them!


He only reacts to sirens - fire trucks, ambulances (as the one I hear as I type this), but he does it out of interest, not fear: he rushes to the windows or balcony and watches them intently as they pass by. He's like a lil' kid who wants to one day drive one of those trucks! And when one passes by without sirens, he still looks at it expectantly: "Please make the funny noise, please!"

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