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Happy gotcha day MEG!

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Three years ago today, Kathy and I went to SpokAnimal to photograph adoptable dogs for PetFinder, as we had been doing since I retired in 2003. We took a lovely female Border Collie out of her run, photographed her, and named her Meg. Meg-Spokanimal.jpg

Our notes for her PetFinder listing say “super girl!”. We saw her in the shelter two more times, and she always watched me hopefully, but without begging. After ten days I couldn’t stand seeing her in the kennel, so I took her home to foster. Of course, I couldn’t give her up.


This dear girl has changed my life more than any dog I have ever had. Since 2004, we have pulled 47 Border Collies out of shelters for Inland Northwest Rescue, and fostered four Borders – oops, actually three because we kept Ruby!

Meg also changed my opinions. I always said I didn’t want any more female dogs (Ruby is also a girl...) After reading McCaig and Katz, I absolutely didn’t want a Border Collie (now I can’t imagine owning any other breed.) I refused to have a dog on the bed (Meg sleeps in my bed cuddled up to my back every night).


I could go on, but you get the idea. I have never had a dog that was so devoted to me. For Meg, it’s all about the bond. She is always watching me and she comes for petting or to give a little kiss many times each day. I have never felt so close to a dog. She can be bitchy, sometimes she barks too much, but when I look into those gleaming eyes and see her lovely smile, I know that I don’t want any dog except MEG!




Steward Robbins

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Wow, there IS quite a difference between the first and second pictures. Everything you said about Meg, I felt about my Katie, who I adopted and had for 8 years. She'll always hold a special place in my heart.


Enjoy your Meg....she's a beauty!

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I needed to read something like this right now! :rolleyes:


I know that I don’t want any dog except MEG!


I know, I feel the same way about my own dog! The change in Meg is amazing (and they appreciate every inch of the way, don't they?). Happy Gotcha Day, Meg!

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Guest Rockie's mum

Happy Gotcha Day Meg. She's gorgeous


Rockie unfortunately isn't like that with me - but he is like that


with DH and I think that's one of the reasons you just gotta love them


the love and loyalty is just so admirable

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Happy Gotcha day Meg!!


She's a really pretty girl, and she looks so happy.

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Happy gotcha day, Meg. And Steward, thank you for posting her story - and for what you guys do to help dogs. Oh - and welcome to the world of bitches - my little girl does much the same sort of thing as Meg - and although she can be wicked at times, it's very hard to stay mad with her for long :rolleyes: .

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