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"Header or Heeler"

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The next time a BC owner asks me this at a dog park I think I am going to bark at them :rolleyes:


It's been at least 3 times lately that I've been casualy asked "Is your dog more of a header, or a heeler?". I think I mentioned it once before in here.


I was stupefied the first time I've heard it, thinking they're asking me about his style of herding, which is non-existent, since he's never been exposed to sheep. But no, every time they are refering to their dog style of "herding" (aka harrassing) other dogs, if he's biting them on their heels or on their heads.


My answer is always "Neither, he's just not a bitter". And each time the question pops up when Ouzo is ignoring their dog, being 100% focused on us and his tennis balls.


I don't know if this a Denver based urban legend, that Border Collies have to be either one or another, but I promise you, I WILL bark at the next person asking me this dumb question! GRRRRRR!

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LOL, Sluj! I'll make sure Chris is holding the camera and sets it on video when that happens :D


And Maralynn, I will not be one to say he has impecable manners, because he has a lot of faults, but at least he doesn't bite anyone, dog or person :rolleyes:


He is known for stealing other dogs tennis balls, but at least he does exchange his for theirs, which sometimes bother other dogs' owners, not the dogs... One guy even tried to grab Ouzo yesterday and pull the identical tennis ball he had dare steal from their dog, who was perfectly happy with the slobbery ball Ouzo left him :D And he's also known for ignoring other dogs' advances to play unless he's in the mood for a wild chase. Oh, and occasionaly marking other dogs, if they make the mistake of sniffing him when he's busy leaving liquid graphitti on the trees or bushes.... definately not what you'd call a gentleman....

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"Oh, and occasionaly marking other dogs, if they make the mistake of sniffing him when he's busy leaving liquid graphitti on the trees or bushes.... definately not what you'd call a gentleman...."


That's funny Anda. I agree no dog is without faults. Even if they're trained to the hilt they'll still do stuff you don't want them too. I guess no matter what they're still animals. That why we love 'em right? I know Black Jack sure has his bad points, but I still love him. Good and bad :rolleyes: marking on everything or not :D

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I think of the terms of heading/healing as where the dog goes when he goes to the stock. Some dogs are more of one than the other. All my Kelpies are headers- though only one works sheep regularly- and she is a head fan. I would just tell people that since she doesn't work stock, she is just a blocker ;0)


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