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Recon isn't feeling so well..

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Recon's third heartworm treatment was Friday...it was the two injection one - one Friday morning and one Saturday morning. Her back on both sides where they did the injections is swollen and sore and she's having a hard time walking up and down stairs. She wanted to get on the bed today and I told her she could, but she didn't want to jump. I tried to lift her but she whined so I put her back down and eventually she just jumped up on her own, though - slowly.


She's moving SO slowly and she's not really wanting to eat; she'll only nibble at her food. She won't lie on her side or curl into a ball - which is how she usually sleeps. She just snoozes on her stomach.


I've been putting warm towels on her back but not putting pressure or anything and she seems to like that.


She is still drinking (a lot, actually) and like I said she's nibbling on her food, but...she just seems off. More so than after the other two sessions.


And, Dr. Gingles made sure to tell me that after this one I need to make sure she's very, very calm at all times - more so than after the others, because this was a more intense treatment. I can handle that part, but...I guess I'm just worried.


Is there anything else I should be doing for her to ease the pain? I didn't think to ask for pain medicine from him, and I guess I should have :rolleyes:


Geez, this is just making me feel even more awful about the whole situation. She's been such a trooper so far and to see her like this just breaks my heart.

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Poor Recon. I feel bad for her. I'm not an expert on the heartworm treatment but I think she's probably sore from the shots. I would think she should feel better after the swelling goes down. A warm towel is good, how about a heating pad wrapped in a blanket? I hope she feels better soon. Don't feel bad, think of all the fun you'll have after she's all better. Hang in there.

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I've been fairly lucky with my heartworm treatment dogs, but I had one that had a rougher time with it. A lot of the BCR board folks will remember Clipper. He reacted much like Recon is. He was VERY sore and tender where he'd received the injections, acted just tired and mopey. Unfortunately, that's all considered "normal". If she's eating and drinking, that's good. You could always offer her something super special to eat if you want to get her to eat more.


I've never put a heartworm tx dog on pain meds, and we've never sent any home with clients at the vet. It never hurts to call and ask the vet tomorrow, though, and see if that's an option.


You mainly want to watch for coughing, extreme lethargy, and fever. A little coughing can be par for the course, but if that starts, just make sure to keep an eye on her.


As you know, keeping them quiet for the month is important. And the first week or two are really the most crucial stretch. It's never fun, but just keep in mind that after this month, Recon should be free and clear and things will be back to normal. :D Just remind Ms. Bean that there's no jumping on Aunt Recon's head for a while. :rolleyes:

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I talked to the vet today, told him I was concerned. He said that, unless she's in obvious pain, it's a "good" thing that it's slowing her down.


Her gums are pink again - earlier they were getting alarmingly pale. I dumped some cherry jello jiggly pieces in her water and she consumed quite a bit trying to get those out - plus eating the jello helped, I'm sure. So now she's pinkish again. And she ate a pretty decent meal - not all of it, but better than yesterday.


So, I guess I'll just keep putting the warm towels on her back (which she seems to -love-) and giving her extra yummies with her dinner to entice her appetite.


Meanwhile - Eilidh has decided to develop a fever. It's low at the moment - about 103. Her eyes are watering a bit and she seems sneezy. My vet in Gulfport was closed by the time -this- started, so I called the Emergency Vet close by my apartment and they said that if it spikes and she starts getting lethargic to bring her in, but otherwise just to watch her.


She was fine at the vet check on Friday morning, he took her temp and all that good first time puppy stuff, so it has to be something new...perhaps a reaction to the shots? She doesn't seem affected by it all that much, just the sneezing, really. It hasn't stopped her from destroying yet another roll of toilet paper (thank DOG it's just toilet paper!) and she's running around like a nut. I'll check her temp again in a while and keep watch tonight.


One day, I'm going to have a full week of absolutely no worries, and I shall celebrate by buying cake. A big chocolate cake. And it will have chocolate icing and chocolate filling and chocolate confetti pieces on top and perhaps some whipped cream or vanilla ice cream or...both.


In the meantime, I'm going to sit in the middle of my living room floor with a thermometer in one hand and a hot towel in the other and nurse these dogs. Poor babies. This makes me feel like I'm doing a really crappy job at this whole being a dog-mom thing.

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In the meantime, I'm going to sit in the middle of my living room floor with a thermometer in one hand and a hot towel in the other and nurse these dogs. Poor babies. This makes me feel like I'm doing a really crappy job at this whole being a dog-mom thing.


Heck, no! You're doing exactly what needs to be done right now. I sure know the feeling, though. I've had it with children and pets, sometimes at the same time. Hang in there, and please do use us to vent! I hope Recon and Eilidh are feeling better tomorrow and even better the next day.

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Aerie....this is what it is about, and you're doing and feeling precisely what anyone whose been through that feels. It will change. This will pass. A new set of challenges will arise. One day...today for me, you will have a sense that someday there will be an effortless rythm to life again.

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Don't feel bad Aerie, your doing a great job with them. Not everyone takes care of their dogs as good as you do. I guess feeling bad comes with it when they're sick. I feel so bad about Black Jack because I can't help him much right now. But you have to remember how much you ARE helping them. Stay strong, and keep thinking about that cake. Now I'm hungry :rolleyes:

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Well, another day of fever for Eilidh and another day of achey pain for Recon. Recon's still eating and drinking well enough so I'm not overly concerned about her - she's better than she was yesterday so as long as she keeps improving, I'm satisfied.


But, Eilidh's still running a fever. I took her to the vet today and she basically just poked and prodded and checked her gums and listened to her chest and that was that - I'm supposed to just watch her and see if she gets any worse.


She doesn't think it's parvo, but told me to watch her water intake - because dehydration is the most dangerous part.


To keep both dogs drinking, we've been flavoring the water with a tiny bit of kool-aid. Recon loves the stuff, and Eilidh is developing a taste for it.


On top of that, my lovely neighbors played loud music till 5 this morning and I couldn't sleep - finally they turned it off long enough for me to get to sleep and then turned it back on at about 7:00 this morning. So, yes, I've had 2 hours of sleep. Recon's snappy. Puppy's whiney. We're such a cheerful group today. :rolleyes:


It'll get better soon, I'm sure.

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