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How obsessed with Border collies are you?

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i dont think a day goes by where im not googling border collie reviews and informations or watching youtube videos (i've watched dogs101 border collies more times then i can count), reading footrot flats things or re reading my border collie books!

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  • 3 weeks later...

And I still check this and other forums I'm a member on a couple of times a day even though barely anyone posts any more on forums! Haha

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I genuinely love all pets and especially dogs but Border Collies are very special to me. I've never had a different breed and BC has been my first dog. Many were advising against getting a BC since they are not the easiest breed and definitely not for the first time dog owner but I like a challenge. Everything I have learnt about dogs is through my beautiful boy. I am a very quick learner though and so is he so this has been quite a journey for both of us. Our boy is beautiful, smart, sensitive but also occasionally head-strong, loyal, loving and very very special indeed.  I would never ever even consider a different breed. So overall I guess I am pretty obsessed. 

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  • 5 months later...

I’m finding the replies to this post interesting. I can’t say I’m obsessed with any one breed, but there are breeds that are more suitable for me. I like GSDs. I like hounds, especially sighthounds and Dachshunds. If Hannah’s mostly Aussie mixture is representative of Aussies in general (factoring in individual differences), I must say I really like Aussies.  I love that I feel safe with Hannah as a wonderful alert dog. I love that she is game for learning new things. I love that she comes to me for attention then says okay, I’m good. I’ll be over here.

If Jan is typical of Border Collies, I have to say I really like Border Collies. I like it that Jan seems to enjoy my company as much as I do hers. I love her take charge attitude on sheep. I really love that it’s a bit cold tonight, and all I had to say was “here Jan”, pat the couch and voila, I have a big, furry heating pad to snuggle up with. 

I love my little Chihuahua too! [ETA: With his little obnoxious self]

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Having said all of that…. I guess you can say I’m a bit obsessed with the whole Border Collies working thing. I just find their abilities absolutely fascinating, even now that I’ve been out there working my dog on livestock. I still watch YouTube sheepdog trial and training videos cast to my television. I don’t think the novelty will ever wear off. Working Border Collies will always be amazing to me.

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Well, let's see. I'm on my fifth border collie, with two at the moment.   Because of them, I now own:

a full set of agility equipment, a field which is my agility field (not quite competition size), a riding mower for said field, my second RV (license:  K9CONDO; sold the first one with 175,000 miles on it.....nearly all to agility trials),  1 XL variocage (divided) for my "town car" (Honda), 2 RoughTuff kennels for the RV, more dog beds than I can count, innumerable toys, leashes, recipes for homemade treats, water bowls/pails, toys; all available wall space at home covered with dog photos (with due respect for the one non-BC included there) and/or dog awards;  and more friends than I'd ever have had without them all!

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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I joke around with people that "I drank the kool-aid" and have started to acquire all things Border Collie. I've always had dogs (different breeds and rescues) but having a Border Collie is just different. I currently have a few herding books, Border Collie bookmarks, hat, earrings, and shirts. To be fair a good portion of those things were gifts from people who are aware of my closet obsession :D

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  • 3 months later...

A day doesn’t go by when I’m not reading or watching stuff on bcs 

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