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Tips on naming?

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Personally, I just went with what seemed to fit my dogs. Talon I already had picked out before I even got him though lol Artimis, it took us 2 weeks to really get his name down. We called him all kinds of things, damion, eggburt (lol), demon spawn, satan's son (he was a bit of a terror as a puppy hahaha), dexter, puck, etc. The list would change by the day, but when my sister suggested Artimis, it just seemed to fit. Hard to explain, it was just him. So that's what stuck ^_^

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I have always used names from my ancestry and nature. I just waited to figure out what name was best, though Like ArtTalKat, Sage was named before he came home. It just seemed to fit him when looking at his baby pictures. :wub:

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Personally, I just went with what seemed to fit my dogs. Talon I already had picked out before I even got him though lol Artimis, it took us 2 weeks to really get his name down. We called him all kinds of things, damion, eggburt (lol), demon spawn, satan's son (he was a bit of a terror as a puppy hahaha), dexter, puck, etc. The list would change by the day, but when my sister suggested Artimis, it just seemed to fit. Hard to explain, it was just him. So that's what stuck ^_^


Thank you, and i think that's what i'll do. That's so cute. What's the meaning of Artimis? if it has one. haha. :lol:

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Thank you, and i think that's what i'll do. That's so cute. What's the meaning of Artimis? if it has one. haha. :lol:



Artemis is a Greek god, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Artemis.. I don't know any dogs called Artemis but I know a couple of boats and a really good california wine :)


That except that is the female version, mine is a boy and named after Artemis' (the greek goddess) follower.


"Artimis \a-rti-

mis, ar-timis\ as a boy's name is a variant of Artemis (Greek), and the meaning of Artimis is "follower of the goddess Artemis".


He was a follower of the greek goddess Artemis. It just seemed to fit him. We call him Art for short, his nickname (he has a collar that says this) is "Art of war" lol


OH, the suggestion about being able to yell it out loud in a room full of people is a great one! I've heard some funny names when people were calling their dogs haha! Also, if the name is longer you may want to think of what they'd be called for short. Some names sound great long, but the short versions are ...not as appealing. lol

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Make sure it's something you can yell at the top of your lungs, that's repeatable at the top of your lungs, and that you won't be embarassed to say in front of other people - with or without the yelling. ;)


~ Gloria



......when we adopted our previous dog at 5 months old from her original owners (they realized their schedule did not allow time to give her enough attention) they had named her "Baby", well I told my wife we needed to rename her because I did not want to holler "come here Baby" outside and risk some lady thinking I was talking to her :)


I came up with the name "Angel" which my wife liked also and it fit our new pup well !


(My wife came up with the name for our present dog "Xena" the definition of which has the connotation of being friendly and hospitable. (which fits her :) )



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Yeah, never name a dog something you don't want to holler in front of your neighbors. ^_^


I tend to choose the names from my favorite book, movie, or TV shows, places I've been, or sometimes plant names. I'm not crazy about either of my dogs' names. I didn't choose either of them.


Bear looked like a bear as a puppy and it really does suit him, but its way too common. Mom named him. We hadn't originally planned on keeping him when he was a puppy but he ended up sticking around (luckily) and so did the name.


Meg was already on her third name (at least) when I brought her home. She responded to it so I decided to keep it rather than risk an identity crisis with an already timid dog. :rolleyes: I don't really like using common people names for dogs and probably would not have chosen it otherwise. It does suit her though.


For my next dog, I'm considering Taggart (Tag for short) as an option. Melbourne (Mel), Dublin (Dub), Auggie, and Flynn are others I'm considering for a boy. :wub:

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I love the tradition of naming Border Collies one syllable names. They are too fast and too smart for long names. By the time you utter the first syllable, they would know you mean them, they'd understand what you want and they'd be half way through the task before you got to syllable three.

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We arrived at our old BC's name, Diamond, because he his patch of white fur behind his neck when he was a pup was in the shape of a baseball diamond. We liked it, and it stuck. Of course, we shortened over time to things like: D and Deejo.


While I agree that I generally do not like to name dogs common people names, for our new pup, Jake, we decided on that in honor of his grandsire (sire and grandsire both by the same breeder) whom passed a few years ago. But, before my wife and I decided on it, I was leaning towards Bandit or Rogue (because he has a white face) - yeah, we had a list of over 50+ names that we started narrowing down. We even pulled traditional names for BC's from England, Scotland and Ireland.


I definitely agree with name the little guy something you do not mind, or will not be embarrased, yelling in public!


I have heard that it is best not to use a name that bears close resemblance to a household member or people that frequently visit.

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On the line of don't name your dog something you don't want to yell at the top of your voice out the front door.


My daughter's dog is named Snickers....very cute little dog and the name seemed like it fit him. So they kept it.


Yell that name loud and repeat several times quickly.....not a good choice! ;)


So yell the name before you decide. Who'd of thought Snickers wasn't a good name to yell? Not me!


I try and let my dogs tell me their names. It usually works well. My last border collie pup...her name is Faye. I thought she told me that was her name. Well the jokes on me....






Yeah...jokes on me! But other than Hey she knows the difference! And Hey is a correction so I really need to change that part.


Should of named her what I wanted in the first place....If I thought the family would be able to remember I'd even think of changing her name!



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