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Bandit's left leg

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My Border collie Bandit is 7 1/2 yrs old. About a month ago on the beach, he would raise his back left leg, and run on 3 legs.

Since then, he only raises leg if he is trying to run fast. He does not do it when he is walking, walking fast, or trotting.

He never acts like he is in pain.

I started him on glucosamine/condroiten.




He maybe had his tail once broken before we teamed up when he was one yrs old. he has a kink in his beautiful tail.

a vet tech had once told me he might be prone to arthritis in the future. that was 6 yrs ago.



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I would agree with Tammy. My Celt has experienced issues with his ACL, and one symptom was going three-legged at times (for Celt, it was when he was fresh out of his crate) even though at other times, you could not tell there was a problem by watching him run and jump.


A good vet can do the drawer test which, depending on your dog, might be done with or without sedation (a very fit dog that resists the vet's manipulation of the joint might make it harder to do the test and require sedation).


Hopefully, it is something minor that can be cared for with conservative (non-surgical) treatment. If it is an ACL issue, it will not improve with exercise and time, although if it is minor, rest and medication may work.


Best wishes!

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I agree with seeing a vet - preferably an orthopedic specialist or rehab vet. Maybe an ileopsoas strain - just another thought. I think that continuing with the glucosamine/chondroitin supplement would be advisable regardless of his diagnosis.



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Tiga takes Osteosupport which has glucosamine and some other things in it. Can't recall at the moment, we get it at the vet and sprinkle a capsule over his breakfast. We've started him on about a year after his surgery. It's made a huge difference. He has so much more energy with it. I didn't realize how much the surgery slowed him down until we started him on that. I have other friends that give it to their dog as well and it's done wonders for her arthritis as well.

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My Jake is having the same problem with the same leg. He'll act like he's ok while he's playing but when he tries to get up after resting, he has a problem putting weight on it until I massage it. His appt with the ortho vet is 9:00am Monday. Please keep your fingers and paws crossed for him. FWIW, Jake is 7 yrs old and has been on glucosamine/condroiten for most of his life. (He was a year old when we adopted him.) I'll still keep him on it though. Good luck with Bandit.

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Sorry to hear about Bandits leg.


Keeva is 10months now and on two occassions ( one while playing frisbee and the other jumping out of my jeep)

I noticed her holding her back right leg up high. I thought I hurt her in both cases (two much frisbee and it is a high jump out of a jeep) I quickly laid her down and massaged it she was fine.


I am still not, this hasn't happened in probably two months but I look for it all activities we do.


I noticed it not happening when I switched her food to Origen it has 1400mg of controitand and 1200mg of glucosemine.


(I must apologise for my typing and missspelling I have a disability in my right hand.)


My lab who is 13 years old also is fed the Origen for seniors and she never misses an opportunity to participate in my 10 months old activities.post-13260-083440800 1340460971_thumb.jpg


I hear swimming helps.

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My Jake is having the same problem with the same leg. He'll act like he's ok while he's playing but when he tries to get up after resting, he has a problem putting weight on it until I massage it. His appt with the ortho vet is 9:00am Monday. Please keep your fingers and paws crossed for him. FWIW, Jake is 7 yrs old and has been on glucosamine/condroiten for most of his life. (He was a year old when we adopted him.) I'll still keep him on it though. Good luck with Bandit.

I hope your visit indicates nothing seriously wrong. You are being very smart to take him to an ortho specialist to have it seen. My Celt had symptoms similar to this when he first developed problems with his ACL - holding his leg up when rising from rest, and then walking out of it very quickly. His progressed to a total tear of the ACL and his recent TPLO.


Very best wishes!

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I hope your visit indicates nothing seriously wrong. You are being very smart to take him to an ortho specialist to have it seen. My Celt had symptoms similar to this when he first developed problems with his ACL - holding his leg up when rising from rest, and then walking out of it very quickly. His progressed to a total tear of the ACL and his recent TPLO.


Very best wishes!

Thanks, Sue. I've been keeping up with Celt and his adventure on here and FB. I agree his and Jake's symptoms sound similar. I called to make Jake's appt a week ago yesterday hoping to get him in this week but the ortho vet I want him to see was on vacation. Monday morning was the soonest I could get him in.


(The man actually gets on my nerves but in a good way. He talks and talks and talks. I was born and raised in the south so believe me it takes a lot of talking for someone to get on my nerves. :lol: But going to a vet that talks too much is a lot better than going to one you have to pry info out of.)

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To the OP,


Jake and I are back from his vet appt. The ortho vet gave Jake a real thorough exam. He started with a hands on exam of both legs. He then manipulated both his right leg then his left. He kept talking about how Jake had such a great bone structure and muscles and how Jake wasn't giving him any indication he was is pain. The ortho vet then started examining his spine. When he got to a certain area (somewhere in between his tail bone and half way up his back) he got a reaction; Jake tensed up. The ortho vet feels 100% certain Jake has a pinched nerve in his back. The vet prescribed 75mg of Carprofen to use as needed and 3 cold laser treatments. (I take him back on Wed and Fri for the other 2.) He even refused to x-ray Jake saying it would be a waste of my money since muscle doesn't show up on x-rays good enough to see what is wrong. The vet also said if he was wrong and this treatment didn't work, he would send us to Charlotte for some kind of contrast x-ray (?) but right now, even if the same thing happened to his own dog, this is what he would prescribe.


I'm not saying this is what's wrong with Bandit; only an ortho vet can tell you what's wrong. I just thought I would let you know that arthritis or a torn ACL are not the only 2 options that could be wrong with Bandit. Jake's cold laser treatments cost me $112. I don't know if that's a good price or not but for me, the peace of mind alone was worth it.

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Just another idea...

My friends dog three legs somtimes and has a hard time getting up sometimes. He is suffering from an illosoias (sp?) muscle issue. Been a long road but he's doing ok. Might check that out if you can't find anything else.

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I just thought I would let you know that arthritis or a torn ACL are not the only 2 options that could be wrong with Bandit. Jake's cold laser treatments cost me $112. I don't know if that's a good price or not but for me, the peace of mind alone was worth it.


Another option (as I suggested in a previous post and as bcnewe2 suggested also) would be the ileopsoas strain. The symptoms sound similar, but only a qualified vet (preferably an ortho vet) would be able to diagnose.


$112 for 3 laser treatments. Not a bad price IMHO.



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Another option (as I suggested in a previous post and as bcnewe2 suggested also) would be the ileopsoas strain.

You're right. I worded that wrong. Sorry. I also just realized Jake's not getting cold lazer treatments. It's just lazer treatments. I should get more than 3 1/2 hrs sleep before saying anything. :)


$112 for 3 laser treatments. Not a bad price IMHO.



Good. Jake was going to get the treatments no matter what the cost but I'm glad it was within reason. I think the cost also depended on the animal (size, weight, injury type). Reading the brochure I was given, lazer therapy really treats a lot, even things you wouldn't think it would (feline acne, allergies). I think I'm going to like this lazer therapy.

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