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Brock is sick :(:(:(


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Yesterday we had beautiful weather so I let Brock out in the backyard off and on throughout the day to play with our other dogs and to just be a dog. He won't go potty back there for some reason so I would let him back in and then take him out front to do his business. Last night I noticed when I let him in that there was quite the collection of twigs and leaves on the porch. A few minutes later he acted like he had to vomit so I quickly got him outside, but he didn't do anything but pee. All last night in his kennel he was restless, and grunting. I figured he had to poop so I got up and took him out. He did his normal AM big pee and a poop. Poop was firm and normal, maybe a tad dry. He was acting normal this AM so he got his breakfast and ate that fine. Usually he will start playing etc. and then have to go potty again. I was cooking breakfast and peaked around the corner to check on him since he wasn't at my feet and he was curled up on the couch :( I walked over to him and noticed he was shivering a bit. So he's lethargic and shivering but otherwise bright eyed, gums have good color, his belly doesn't seem to be tender. Do you think he just has a bad tummy ache and will vomit or poop it out later or should I just take him to the vet now? Never had to deal with a sick dog really. Wounds, yes but nothing like this.


Any advice would be appreciated and a prayer or two that he's OK :)

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I'm a worrier, so I'd probably run him by the vet, just to be safe and for peace of mind. He's very young, isn't he?


Yeah, I'm a big over-reactor. It can be pricey but at least once my over-reaction literally saved my dog's life. I just feel better getting a vet's opinion.


Hope your guy is ok. Please let us know how he is doing!

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He's perking up at the moment. He woke up and I took him out to potty and he peed. He had to poop but he got distracted by the mailman rolleyes.gif Came back in and he drank some water and is now laying at my feet chewing on his chew hoof. He's still grunting here and there so I'm sure his tummy hurts from eating whatever he ate yesterday. Guess he's on backyard restriction unless one of us is out there to watch him!


I'm going to wait until my husband gets home at 1pm and make a decision if I'm going/need to take him in. That way I don't have to bring my son with me. I will keep you posted.

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When you said lethargic, my reactors went off...lethargic and puppy=not good. Hopefully he's fine now, but as you said, do watch him like a hawk.


PS. Not my business, but I personally wouldn't leave a puppy outside unattended. There's just so much that might happen, or he might get into. Just my .02.

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Thanks I appreciate your opinion. He won't be going out unattended anymore. The weather was just so nice I figured it would be good for him to get some dog playtime.


I'm getting ready now to take him if nothing for a vets exam and opinion. I was petting him and he yelped when I touched the side of his mouth? He's moaning more it seems so I'm starting to worry.


Will let you know what they say.

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Brock is going to be OK :)


I don't have the final report on what it was since he's still with the vet. It's his mouth, there was some swelling on his lower jaw and what looked like a tooth or a foreign object in his gums. They had to sedate him to really look since he wasn't being too cooperative. Thankfully that's all it is and nothing worse. I get to pick him up in an hour or so.

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Brock is home. He had a chipped tooth which exposed the pulp and got infected. It didn't abscess yet so she was confident it won't affect the adult tooth. He is pretty sore and still groggy. He's on pain meds and abx for a few days. Im so glad that's all it was.

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