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Pups temperament type

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I have 2 pups here right now. They look very similar and are actually bred fairly similarly but quite different in nature


Fly is my pup, she is 8 months and I've had her since 8 weeks. She's always been an independent pup, very confident, doesn't seek affection much but is always keen for a game or training. She loves to run & run & run. Has never been destructive & is happy to chill out when nothing's going on.


Bess is a pup that I've had for a week (I realize she's still settling in) She is 6 months & has been raised on a farm with a heap of other dogs. I took her on to rehome her as she's a nice pup & has nice breeding. The guy that had her has a number of young dogs and he likes the other ones better so let me take her to rehome. He did mention that she was "too darned happy". I thought this was a bit stupid, after all who doesn't want a happy pup...but...Bess is HAPPY! Lol, she's so happy it's almost annoying. Very people focussed and never stops getting into stuff. She's confident, like Fly, but they really contrast in nature.


Work wise, they seem fairly similar for the limited exposure they've each had.


Do you prefer a more serious or a happy pup? Has anyone ever had a happy pup that was just too happy?

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sounds like she needs time and a job to do

:huh: Of course, she does, and she will get both :D


Something tells me though that this is about more than being a puppy, I suspect it's just her disposition.


My question was just meaningless general curiosity...

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Hmm ... I've know a few chronically HAPPY!!! border collies, and while I love them dearly, I'm not sure I'd want to live with that much energy. I think I like a bit more sober pup, and/or a happy puppy that gets happy, but then runs off to play without demanding my participation.


(Watch, now the Universe will make sure my next puppy, X years from now, will be the happiest thing on four legs ...) :lol:


Nor do I think an overly HAPPY!! puppy is necessarily a training issue or whatever. I think some dogs are just ebullient, goofy, busy, bouncy characters by nature. Kind of like some people. :)


~ Gloria

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If my Nick had a thought bubble over his head, it would say, "Yay!!!" all the time. He's perpetually happy, just seems to love life. Bounces all over like a dork :) I don't think I'd call him a serious worker. Don't get me wrong, he's a fantastic farm and trial dog, but he works because it's FUN and there are SHEEP! He works, I think for, the sheer joy of doing it. I love Nick, wouldn't trade him for the world. He can work ewes and new lambs and take rowdy market lambs down the road in the same day. I'd much rather have an overly happy dog around than an overly serious, worrier.

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To HAPPY!? Love it. Yep, I know what you mean. Give it a year and you'll feel guilty when you hurt her feelings and that little *twinkle* momentarily goes away. They do grow up, mine did, and the happy is still there just not.in.your.face.


Have fun with her but mentally give her all she'll take, bet she soaks it up like a sponge!

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I have a happy dog. I think I've figured out that I prefer my dogs on the slightly more serious side. I mean, in some ways I like to see her so darn happy, but it's almost Golden Retriever like. She wants the world to be happy with her, wants to say hi to everyone. But she also seems to worry about what people think of her - she's kind of bouncy and in your face but I think that it's because she's trying too hard to make friends. It's like, "please, please, please, love me, love me, love me".


She's also VERY touchy/feely and wants to be a lap dog/touching you. My serious dog is quite affectionate, but it's a quite calm affection - He'll get his rubs in then curl up at your feet.


I think she might make a great therapy dog once she mellows/matures a bit - maybe she'll be ready by the time she's 6 or 7 :lol: I'm starting to see hints of maturity with her now at age 3.

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My Dew is a very HAPPY girl. Everything she does in life is about happy. She took forever to mature into a serious sheepdog but she has finally come along even with or despite her happy.


When we pull up to a stoplight and a car pulls up next to us, our whole car wiggles with her happiness. Just in case the person next to us might look this way. If not, she's on to the next happy thing. She love the bank and any drive though, even if no one looks her way. Tractor Supply is her Happy place. She shares all her love with anyone who might wander by close to us. She has finally learned not all want a big BC hug but she's right there sweeping the floor with her tail waiting for that invite for a big hug. She has the cutest closed mouth smile I've ever seen, it gets bigger all the time. It's so big now that she looks like she's squinting cause her mouth is bigger than her face!


She is also a very sensitive girl. I have seen the light get dim on the occasion she's worried that someone is unhappy with her. But it always comes back. She is my lapdog, my car companion and the dog I go to if I'm feeling blue. Funny thing, she likes to sleep alone in her basement hidey hole. I think she has to be alone to get her happy refill.


I love her and wouldn't trade her for the world but I do like a bit more seriousness in most of my dogs. I have had to learn to live with her flamboyant huge Akita tail. Thank doG it goes away when she works!


Everyone needs a HAPPY. She puts the smile on all of our faces.

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lol Happy and Misty could not be more different..Misty is crazy happy, always has a giant grin, and is bent on going through life as enthusiasticly as possable, she doesnt EVRYTHING with gusto. Happy however is super serious and always has been, she goes through life as though the entire worlds existance rides on her shoulders and requires her utmost concentration, she does NOTHING just for kicks and giggles...and yes I am aware of the condridiction of their names..everyone tells me that Misty should have been "Happy" :lol:


Gem OTH is a nice balance between Happy and Misty, she is super happy and enthusatic like Misty is, but she is a bit more tempered and calculating like Happy.

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Ebullient, goofy, busy, bouncy, enthusiastic - whatever you want to call it, it describes Kit to a T. I knew this about her when I picked her, it was definitely a deciding factor. She thinks the world is her oyster and she never considers that some people or dogs not be as happy to meet her as she is to meet them. I don't call her the half-baked half-breed for nothin'!




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When we pull up to a stoplight and a car pulls up next to us, our whole car wiggles with her happiness. Just in case the person next to us might look this way. If not, she's on to the next happy thing. She love the bank and any drive though, even if no one looks her way. Tractor Supply is her Happy place. She shares all her love with anyone who might wander by close to us. She has finally learned not all want a big BC hug but she's right there sweeping the floor with her tail waiting for that invite for a big hug. She has the cutest closed mouth smile I've ever seen, it gets bigger all the time. It's so big now that she looks like she's squinting cause her mouth is bigger than her face!



LOL. Reading this, I realized your dog is the inverse of my dog. When we pull up to a stoplight and a car pulls up next to us, Buddy immediately begins a low, throaty growl, in case the person next to us might look this way. He hates the bank and any drive-through, because someone might look his way. Petco is his scary place. He backs away from anyone who might wander close to us. He has finally learned not to growl and bark at them, but he sits tentatively, ready to duck just in case. I've seen him happy and excited and content, but never so unconcerned that he gives way to a full-face grin.


Oh, well. He's calm and easy to manage, anyway. :)



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Oh Mary I have those kinds of dog too!


Dew's half Bro is the most serious dog I've ever known. He isn't a growler and likes people but he's always serious, even when playing with Dew, which he didn't ever do till his Lil sis made him. My DH and I love to watch Dew make Mick play bitey face. He's about 9 or 10 and until this year has never played bitey face with anybody. It was more like "I'll bite your face off!" but she makes him play. He has all these rules, no one knows them, not even Dew but she follows any rules he throws out to her.

They have a unique way of playing fetch. Dew grabs the toy, runs around for a bit then drops it at his feet, and he slowly deliberately brings it back to the thrower and waits for Dew to get it again. Or she lets him get it and he runs around with it like he won then they start over again. He's always played fetch games(or at least after I taught him to play for rehab in the pond) but it's not a game, it's serious business.


Dew can be a little pain in the butt but, someones got to be happy and she certainly makes up for all my serious dogs. She's my morning alarm clock. Nothing better than a big happy grin starring at you starting at 4am (DH goes to work really early) her snooze button is great! And my little tucker inner at night. You can't wake up without a smile nor go to bad with out being loved by Dew!


Funny enough, she NEVER plays with other dogs. Mick must have told her it's not allowed!


I think their diversity makes them that much more interesting!

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