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Trialling and sheep herding presentation


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So I did it. I mentioned to my colleague that I could maybe perhaps possibly prepare a presentation about sheep herding at a some cultural conference.



And today i found out that it's all settled and it will be in December :lol: .


So if anybody feels like contributing and "lending" me files with short videos or in general if anyone has got ideas, I will be happy to hear them.


Right now I seem to have ideas for about a week's seminar :lol:


Also there was this great ad that ended something like "Truth is. Pigs can't do this." Do you remember which competition it was for? I thought it would be a good way to start, so I would write to the people and see if I can use it.


I will be happy to hear your input.



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Also there was this great ad that ended something like "Truth is. Pigs can't do this." Do you remember which competition it was for? I thought it would be a good way to start, so I would write to the people and see if I can use it.




You're looking for the video that was produced for Soldier Hollow:


I thought at first I'd remembered it was produced for the 'Away to Me' movie coming out this spring, but it wasn't. But that has some great clips as well. (Can't WAIT until that movie comes out!).


Good luck with your presentation - I'm sure it'll be great!


ETA: just in case anyone missed the previews of the 'Away to Me' movie (centered around this year's Soldier Hollow competition), here's the link: http://sheepdogmovie.com/

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Thank you for all the encouragement :D :D :D . I am thinking about actually taking Bonnie with me. People usually find it surprising how she changes from a sweet affectionate easy-going pooch to a serious sheep dog.


I would be very grateful if people would be willing to send me a few files with their dogs. I have a lot of files with my own dog, but she is only two, and I have also tons of stuff on the Internet, but I would not want to count on being linked to the Internet during the conference. So if anybody would like to share videos, I will be very grateful. Of course I will present them with credits. My email is majawn at yahoo.com


Thank you for the link. I will write to them.



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I would be very grateful if people would be willing to send me a few files with their dogs. I have a lot of files with my own dog, but she is only two, and I have also tons of stuff on the Internet, but I would not want to count on being linked to the Internet during the conference. So if anybody would like to share videos, I will be very grateful. Of course I will present them with credits. My email is majawn at yahoo.com


Nobody? :(


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Maybe repost this in the training section? Would Denise Wall's "Training May" videos work? Or Robin's Bart videos? What about the video that was widely posted of Becca's winning International Supreme run? I think people tend to video young dogs in training, but not so much older, trained dogs. In the "Handler's Tent" section not too long ago, someone (Eileen?) asked for a video of a good international shed and someone posted a full International run there. Maybe that one would work? You could at least go to the original link and ask for permission from whomever actually took the video.


The only videos I've ever taken have been of young dogs in training, not finished dogs.



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All these videos you mentioned are great, but I would like to use the files off line and incorporate fragments of them into the presentation. Hence, I asked for actual files not the links. The videos of dogs in training are fine too. I want to show that also.


Perhaps putting my request in the training section is a good idea.



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Thank you Julie! I will see if I can get some program to download.





Use RealPlayer for downloading YouTube videos. You can get a free version or an enhanced version (for $40). The website is www.realplayer.com (I think) or just Google it.


You can also use Windows Media Player, but RealPlayer will copy many more formats, and it is free too.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Maja, I'm pulling up your thread to the forefront. What brilliant ideas you are always coming up with!!! And I totally love all your creativity, passion for sheepherding and your contribution to education as well. Also I noticed there are some suggestions here about captures but also there is a better and free program than what others suggested. My expertise is indeed 3D animation so we do know the ins-and-outs on that. So if you are just following along what they are suggesting let me know and I'll email what the freeware program is which is a far better alternative.


Your presentation will be very fantastic, and hopefully someone will help create the video of you making the presentation and the followup question and answer session from the audience. Seminars are so cool. I am jealous that folks like you and my brother are "gifted" with speaking abilities. Yes, my brother gives international speeches every year (egads, we are so opposite in personality too). Also in Europe there's a lot of very interesting viewpoints and variations in techniques as well. Again, please consider Vimeo. It's the best and free way to get exceptionally high quality video out as well.


Also I am so glad that your thread is here on the General Discussions page. The reason why is because for non-sheepherder B.C. owners, sheepherding involves so much complexity that we get "lost" on all the terminologies. So we do not! visit the Handler's tent or Training section as often. Your way of education is much easier for us to follow along. That is why many of us are so interested in your presentation. Had you posted elsewhere we would not have known about this special presentation and would not be able to pester you to post your presentation lol!

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