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Fighting Boredom

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so these past few weeks my dog has obviously been a bit more bored than usual.


it's been in the single digits quite a bit so playing outside isn't always an option. we've been doing an agility class every other week, but these past few days she's given up playing ball as much and given up her nylabones for chewing anything else she can find!


i know it's boredom but what are some other tricks for fending this off untill we get a decent day to go outside and play (decent day is 20's and sunny here in upstate NY this time of year)



does anyone have some good mental challenges for their border collie???


also has anyone tried the buster cube, or the kong wobbler to entertain the dog for at leat a bit at meal times? i'm thinking they would be smart enough to learn it too quick and take the challenge out of it, any ideas on other toys/games to play.




thanks in advance

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If a BC is bored, it is borded for lack of dog-human interaction, in my opinion. So teaching at home recognizing toys by name and fetching them, hiding objects and teaching the dog to search for them, or any silly game will make them happy as long as the game means interaction with humans. I think this is the key to a BCs breed-specific needs. BCs more than physical exercise need mental exercise based on interaction with humans, that's what keeps their mind happy.


Here are some of the silly things to do at home I am guilty of having taught to Kelly. I don't know how advanced your dog is, so I am sorry if they are too basic:




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I agree with what has already been said. I live in Western NY so I know what you're going through with single digit and teen temperatures. We still go out a lot but just for shorter amounts of time and I put a jacket on him (under armor leggings work wonders for me too!)


To fight boredom I continue to teach silly tricks, a new one every week or so-he just learned how to open the door and play dead this past week. We play hide and seek in the house as well, telling him to 'go get' a certain toy and bring it back. I also bought a treat dispensing ball which is his new favorite thing! He was afraid of it at first but now punches, kicks, swats, and pushes it around to get his food out. It can take him 30 minutes to get a 1/2 cup out and is really entertaining for us humans.


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I live in Iowa and the winter weather tends to curtail walks, especially the blizzards! I have found that training the dogs agility foundations in the living room (you only need one jump if any) and meal times starring the buster cube keeps the dogs pretty content. If you don't want to train agility or obedience foundations in the living room or hallway you could also teach simple pet tricks. Free-shaping a dog to back up straight or cock their head is entertaining for both you and the dog.

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thanks for the quick replies everyone :-)


i've been thinking of new things to teach just sortof hit a mental wall but seeing maja's video gave me some ideas.



she does know her "pheasant" (stuffed toy that she loves, tried to get a second stuffed toy and she decided that one would be more fun to rip the stuffing out of) and she knows to get her "ball" but i'll work on some other tricks.


thanks for the link to the food ball, i just didn't want to get one and have it become too easy in a week where then it's not fun any more, but i'll deff look into ordering one soon.



she LOVES the snow but for me after working outside in the cold all day there's only so much I can hang out there with her for too long, and she's good at losing her tennis balls in the snow so she has to catch them or i have to find them sometimes which doesn't help the outdoor playtime

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If you teach her to find things at home you can then tell her to find things outside. Kelly is very good at finding gloves in the snow. Here she is looking for her red ring, which I - to make it more difficult - placed on a branch. until then she only had to look for things on the ground.





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Yeah, it's cold up here! (Northeast PA)


We're learning how to play a band -- Ladybug is tooting a bicycle horn, Robin is ringing a bell as well as tooting the horn and Brodie (when I can find one) will smack a tambourine because he likes to use his paws -- meanwhile he is also tooting the horn if I lay it down on the floor where he can hit it with his paws and ringing the bell with his nose.


DH only allows us to practice for a short time but I think eventually we will be able to play a simple tune :).



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Definitely teach silly tricks! They are fun for both two legged and four legged. I agree on playing Hide and Seek. My pup Seek loves this one. We even have fun toys to find, seaweed, octopus, beehive, squirrel, etc. She likes odd shaped toys. It's really simple (sorry if you already play this game):


1. Have your dog in a sit or down stay.

2. Show your dog the toy

3. Say the name of the toy "fox"

4. Put it in the same room where the dog can see the toy

5. Release dog, then say "Go Find Your Fox!"

6. After your pup gets the concept, step it up a bit

7. Hide it in another room, at first in an obvious place

8, Now make it more of a challenge. I like to put toys in drawers or up high on doorknobs, etc.


This game can last a long time and tuckers my pup out!



You could also get a tricks book. There are a gazillion out there, just get one that looks fun for you and your pup , and one that has the specific tricks you'd like to teach.


Have fun!!



I recommend Nina Ottoson toys. These are a fun challenge for breakfast or dinner meals. Seek has the Spinny Block. She loves it. I hide blueberry treats in only a few of the holes, so she has to eat her way to them.



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We're learning how to play a band -- Ladybug is tooting a bicycle horn, Robin is ringing a bell as well as tooting the horn and Brodie (when I can find one) will smack a tambourine because he likes to use his paws -- meanwhile he is also tooting the horn if I lay it down on the floor where he can hit it with his paws and ringing the bell with his nose.


DH only allows us to practice for a short time but I think eventually we will be able to play a simple tune :).



Aww, come on now. Don't tease us. We need video of this!! :D

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she LOVES the snow but for me after working outside in the cold all day there's only so much I can hang out there with her for too long, and she's good at losing her tennis balls in the snow so she has to catch them or i have to find them sometimes which doesn't help the outdoor playtime


Try soft Frisbees or a foxtail which is a ball with a long colorful tail on it. The tail will stick out of the snow (guess it depends how many feet you have). Quinn gets too preoccupied with chewing the tail so we stick to rubber Frisbees which don't sink like balls.

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Yes, there are bazillions of toys available that won't get lost in the snow. We ditch tennis balls every fall and have to switch to "snow toys." Frisbee is the the most popular and we play that almost daily. Jolly Balls don't get lost in the snow and the ones with the ropes through them are easy to throw far and the dogs love them. Kong Wubba toys are easy to fling and easy to find. Our bright orange Kong Bumper won't get lost in the snow, either.


All of the mentally challenging indoor games are great, but my dogs need to run. If we get stuck inside for more than a day or two without being able to run, they drive me up the wall.


Find toys that are better than a tennis ball and make your life a lot easier. :lol:

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My 2 aren't happy if they don't get outside for at least 2 hours every day...If I'm at the fire department my lovely spouse takes them out when she's working with/feeding the horse and I take them out the other 2 days for their daily romp....a couple of times they didn't get to go out....-2 temps and we had to do inside hide and find...course we still had horse to tend to but she stayed in the barn...and also used this time to reinforce our basic commands...stay sit etc...but most days we dress in layers and go out...we let the dogs tell us when they are cold and need to come in...they love the snow...Greg

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