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I saved a ewe lamb today...


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Certainly not the first, and I surely hope not the last time I do that. It just always feels really GOOD! Mom had had the ram lamb, apparently quite some time earlier when I spotted mom with him; he was completely dry, well fed, and was already following mom around. I knew she had another in there, so caught her up (she did *not* want to cooperate), pulled the breech ewe lamb and waited. She was pretty weak and didn't seem to have much interest in getting up, so I milked out a bit of colostrum from mom and got some into her (admittedly probably not very much). By the time I did all that, it was probably a good hour and a half since I had pulled her. When I left them, she still seemed pretty weak, the inside of her mouth was a little cool, and I really didn't think she'd make it--figured she'd spent too long trying to be delivered. I went to town, did a few errands, came back, and there she was--clean, dry, up and drinking with an already full little belly! I'll get a pic to add when I go out next time,


ETA: Here they are--the ewe lamb is the one standing:


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Certainly not the first, and I surely hope not the last time I do that. It just always feels really GOOD! Mom had had the ram lamb, apparently quite some time earlier when I spotted mom with him; he was completely dry, well fed, and was already following mom around. I knew she had another in there, so caught her up (she did *not* want to cooperate), pulled the breech ewe lamb and waited. She was pretty weak and didn't seem to have much interest in getting up, so I milked out a bit of colostrum from mom and got some into her (admittedly probably not very much). By the time I did all that, it was probably a good hour and a half since I had pulled her. When I left them, she still seemed pretty weak, the inside of her mouth was a little cool, and I really didn't think she'd make it--figured she'd spent too long trying to be delivered. I went to town, did a few errands, came back, and there she was--clean, dry, up and drinking with an already full little belly! I'll get a pic to add when I go out next time,



Great news! I've been lucky I haven't had to pull one yet- I hope I'd be up to it, but it' s a scary thought!

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That is always such a good feeling!


The first time the goats we raised kidded, I was worried as one was not making progress. The older farm manager who came by and who had experience with sheep said he thought I needed to help her. I asked, "How?" He said that I just needed to stick my hand in there. I looked at that tiny opening and thought, "Yeah, right..." Well, it's not so hard as it looks and it sure comes in handy to know how to do it.


Sent you another email about Dan. Well, I tried to but my gmail is acting up. Will send as soon as I can.

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Congratulations, and thanks for sharing this story. :rolleyes: It reminds me of one of the few times my parents let me "skip" school in h.s.--when my pet ewe was lambing and we were worried she might need some help (turns out she did). The description of a lamb's mouth being cool when you're wanting it to be warming up just took me right back.


Looking forward to seeing your new lamb's photo when you get a chance to share it.

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Certainly not the first, and I surely hope not the last time I do that. It just always feels really GOOD! Mom had had the ram lamb, apparently quite some time earlier when I spotted mom with him; he was completely dry, well fed, and was already following mom around. I knew she had another in there, so caught her up (she did *not* want to cooperate), pulled the breech ewe lamb and waited. She was pretty weak and didn't seem to have much interest in getting up, so I milked out a bit of colostrum from mom and got some into her (admittedly probably not very much). By the time I did all that, it was probably a good hour and a half since I had pulled her. When I left them, she still seemed pretty weak, the inside of her mouth was a little cool, and I really didn't think she'd make it--figured she'd spent too long trying to be delivered. I went to town, did a few errands, came back, and there she was--clean, dry, up and drinking with an already full little belly! I'll get a pic to add when I go out next time,


ETA: Here they are--the ewe lamb is the one standing:









Looks to be worth your effort, too. Quite a nice pair of lambs.



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Thanks, I love my Dorpers. She was standing a little hunchy when I took this and put everyone up for the night, but when they are up and nursing ok, usually all is well. We're supposed to be getting a LOT of rain this coming week (I keep hearing 20 inches!), starting tomorrow night or Monday, so I'm glad she'll maybe have a day of sunshine tomorrow to catch up.


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The little girl is doing just fine--trotting along behind momma nice as can be. So far the rain hasn't been as bad as it could have been--Monday was the worst, with 1.86 inches in about 2 hours. My pasture sits in the flood plain, so the entire north end was a rushing river. Literally knee deep. And moving along at a good rate. When I got back to the house I looked like one of those cartoons when I dumped the water out of my muck boots. They're still drying out. Right now we're having a break in the rain before it gets going again this afternoon. So far, so good. Thanks for the well wishes. I generally welcome any and all rain--the pasture is green and the filaree is getting some nice length to it. YAAYY for free feed!


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