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Just read a PETA ad in my cycling magazine

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You guessed it! PeTA wants to put anything associated with pet ownership, livestock, animal products, and so on "out of business". The founder of PeTA has as one of her goals that there will be no pets, working animals, animals for consumption, and so on.


So, while PeTA can bring some things to light that need to be brought to light, I could not support them in any way.

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Maybe they think euthanization is a preferable alternative to being "enslaved" as someone's beloved pet. I think that while some of their near-term goals may be apparently admirable, they are too twisted in philosophy and long-term goals for my support in any way, shape, or fashion.

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I guess I was really ignorant to that fact. I knew they were an extremist group of sorts, but I had really no idea. I may write a letter to the editor of said magainze. The sad thing is, one of my favorite cyclists is in the ad promoting PETA. Sad day indeed.



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Yes, they believe pet ownership is cruel. They euthanize an incredibly large percentage of animals every year them selves. They have a giant walk in freezer at their headquarters where they store the bodies until they can be disposed of. They fund and support militant animal rights organizations, the ones who blow up labs etc. and they are associated with some very nasty people.

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There are a number of pet-owning and pet-loving celebrities (and "everyday" people) who support PeTA. I think they don't realize (or refuse to realize) what PeTA really stands for as ultimate goals - and the intermediate goals are just means to an end.

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