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USBCHA Finals: To go or not to go?

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The Finals in Klamath Falls are about a 10-hr drive from here. I could leave here Thurs night, drive 2 hrs to stay with a friend, then leave ass-achingly early on Friday to drive the rest of the way. Reverse course on Sun-Mon, or Mon-Tues. I'd probably camp, if I can, and of course I'm happy to volunteer.


I feel like I'll be missing out if I don't go, but that's a LONG drive for someone who doesn't really enjoy driving all that much... Anyone want to carpool? I come with a healthy supply of baked goods! (Just ask Diane and Derek...)


Yeah, this is probably the wrong place to ask if I should go or not, so come on all you enablers and ENABLE! :rolleyes:

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If you don't go, you will regret it. I don't trial but I do volunteer when I can, and I have never, ever been disappointed to do so - in rain, cold, heat, or whatever. And Finals - come on now, Ben, you are a sponsor of a team (and, since Amy C and Jean are not going, we are sponsoring Kathy Knox and Tweed instead) - as said, you have a moral obligation.


It will be amazing, so pack those goodies, try and find a friend who likes to drive, and set your alarm clock. I drive eight hours each way to volunteer at Bluegrass and the anticipation keeps me wide awake going down, and reliving the wonderful moments keeps me wide awake coming home. If an old lady can do it, so can you!

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Ben, of course you should go, after this year your drive is only going to get longer.....VA, CO, who knows where else.... This is practically in your back yard. The field is lovely and there is a phenominal list of dogs and handlers attending.


I'm sure the host committee would love some help....it makes it easier for all volunteers and you will get to know a whole bunch of people that you've only heard about.

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I went all the way from San Diego to Utah this past weekend to watch the Soldier Hollow trial, for the fourth year in a row, and it was sure time well spent. Well, to be fair, my daughter lives there too, so there is now a tradition of me coming on Labor Day weekend. I can't think of any other type of event that is so much fun to watch and where you can meet such interesting people.

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Well, I've talked to Lora about volunteering- looks like I should be able to do something, at least. And I can camp, apparently (I assume tent camping is okay).


Soooo... if I can pull everything together here, find someone to look after the dog (dogs? Might bring Nick with me) and poultry, get the sheep and horses all set, guess I'll go!

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Kristi, I'll see what I can do... I'll be passing through Seattle late, stopping at Salumi might be impossible. Homemade lamb sausage, maybe? I think there's still some in the freezer.


I will come well stocked with pastries. And maybe martini fixings (I do love me a good martini!)

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Also debating coming up to watch, maybe help if there's something simple enough for me to do. So, would enablers mind helping me figure out a few details - Ben - what'd you figure out about tent-camping? Could my mutt-dog come and watch too (she behaves well at the trials we've been too, biggest one was Zamora which didn't have much of a crowd though). I'll be happy to bring some sort of yummies to share; let me know what's missing. -Sharon

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