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Mama says,

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Mamm says it's not polite to enter someplace withut an introduction.



My name is Ranger and this is Jin. We live in the desert, a harsh climate to say the least. I am the creator of the DesertBandanna along with being an eco-tour and adventure guide and instructor in desert craft and survival.


Jin is 9 weeks old with one blue eye (red in the photo) and one gray. He is Dog 'J' in an alphabet of Border Collies starting in 1976 with Dog 'A' Augie. Like any proper BC Jin, who has been here since Valentines day, already uses the dog door like a pro and is house broken. As it should be with a BC. He also likes the cats. Of course it helps if the cat thinks he's a dog. Jin and Sebastian were good friends from the minute Jin came into our lives. It has been several years since a BC has graced our home.


Now it can be

Together we

Ranger and Jin.



Jin's picture is clickable.


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Thank you for the welcome. I do have a certain level of expertise with BCs but that is not to say I know everything about them. Where I can they do go to work with me. Where I can't they go to work with me anyway.

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