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puppies and cords

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Does anyone have therory on their appeal. I just stopped current puppy from chewing the dyson cord then she was off to a speaker cord. Last week I found my cell phone charger must have dangled and we now in 3 pieces. I cant figure the attraction says the woman who when maddie was a puppy had all her outdoor extension cord cut to mini length.

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I never thought about it, but you're right. When we first got Sammie, he chewed the cords off of all of our fans and our steam cleaner. Thankfully none were plugged in. That was before we knew about crates and he was just loose when we weren't home. Cords and carpets were his favorite thing to destroy.


Thankfully, it's something all of my dogs have outgrown, but there is a certain fascination with cords for puppies and youngsters.

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I just figure they're all into technology :rolleyes:



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It's been hit or miss with my puppies. Two out of five (both Shelties) chewed cords, one nearly starting my house on fire but fortunately I was right in the room with him and was able to step in before anything did more than smolder and pop. Somehow the puppy didn't get zapped either. After that I was careful to unplug lamps as well as put up barriers to keep puppies at bay. Fortunately, Quinn never showed any interest in this particular brand of chewing because he was so fast and agile and determined that if he had wanted to, he certainly could have sawed through any number of cords despite my constantly watching him.

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I got Cheyenne when she was just 10days old. Because of how little she was, and I had 3 rambunctious grandkids living in the house, she spent most of her time in our bedroom. Our room didn't have heat to it so we used an electric blanket. When Cheyenne was about 6 wks old, we here her yelp under the bed, I called her and she came out. Couldn't find nothing wrong with her, so we just went on. Till we discovered our blanket no longer was heated! She never chewed another thing!

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