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Does my girl need doggy lipo ???

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My 16 week old gal is growing to be a gorgeous girl. She is just starting to display those famous "regal" bc poses. Her only fault is this very un-attractive pooch of skin on her lower belly. It really presents itself in the "sit" position. In all honesty it looks like a mini-butt (there is no other way to explain it). Is this normal for her age and something that will tighten up or could it be a sign of over-feeding/under-activity?



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Hard to tell from the picture, but it looks like she could maybe use a little more waistline...



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Here we go...this shot should give you a clear view of her puppy pooch.


-I'm thinking it's actually her food quality that's creating a good bit of the prob. It's a high grain based and I'm switching to Blue Buffalo Wilderness that is supposed to be amazing comparitively.



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I might be totally off-base, but I think that is normal pink puppy belly. Sends me back to Skye's puppy belly that was the softest to cuddle and kiss ... I digress :rolleyes:

But a better quality food is never a bad idea!

Gorgeous pup.


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She does look a bit chubby to me. Just be sure you don't overfeed, even when switching the food. The size recommendations on the bag? Go for the lower end, while making sure she is still getting enough food, as she's a growing puppy. She's very cute, regardless!

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Guest blastoff

She's 16 weeks old and most puppies have that when they sit down at that age. It'll go away with age, exercise and 'in-shapeness.' Just make sure to always keep a waistline on her. You should be able to feel her ribs with very minimal pressure, though I'm always a little generous with young puppies. I've seen some puppies grow up with zero muscle mass because they were kept as thin as an adult should be through their entire puppyhood. Puppies NEED a bit of extra to help them grow and develop properly. Around 5-6mos old is when I start keeping them at a more adult-like weight and exercising them more often.

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