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I'm looking hard to see pit bull in there... but it doesn't shine out to me. I live in an area where PBs are too common and too commonly mishandled, so the shelters are full of them. The shelter folks will type just about any other breed except PB on the shelter tags if there's any chance for mixed blood. In a whole lot of them, the sign says "hound mix" or "lab mix," but you can see the wide-jawed, goofy PB grin coming through. I don't see it in Kalooa... though she does have a big old solid head. :rolleyes:



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I don't see pit -- with a pit mix, unless it's very far back, you don't usually wonder. It's obvious.


I don't see much Border Collie either for that matter. But she's beautiful!

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I'm not seeing Pit in there, either. I do see border collie - I'd bet she has at least a little in there. The way she's put together reminds me very much of a St. Bernard, but her unique face(she's lovely!) just doesn't say any of those breeds....


Either way, she's very pretty! :rolleyes:

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What, and having all of us guess based on appearance (via photo, not even in person) is more reliable...? :rolleyes:


Nope, but it's cheaper. I just wanted an excuse to pull that thread up again. One of those days, you know, where you need a good laugh.

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^^Yup, from results I've seen on other boards, I wouldn't waste a dime on that test. Speaking of:




Anyway, about Kaloo, I still don't see any pit. I see border collie, but maybe I just see them everywhere! :rolleyes: I am not familiar enough with St. Bernards to hazard a guess.


Karen would know, but Gracie is youngish...8-9 months old, maybe? Time flies, she may be older than that.

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I would say that she looks like a BC/St. Bernard mix to me... did some searching on Petfinder and found a pit bull/St. Bernard mix, Trooper, who is a BC/St. Bernard mix that looks a lot like Kaloo, and Hoagie, another BC/St. Barnard mix. Well, that's what they're being claimed as to be anyway. She's adorable, none the less!!

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Karen would know, but Gracie is youngish...8-9 months old, maybe? Time flies, she may be older than that.


Ah, Gracie is about 9 months old now and in the pictures posted she was about 5 or 6 months. Yes, time flies!


If you're in NY then they can't be related. Gracie is a PB "Georgia Woods Dog" :D Seriously, that's what her mom tells people when they ask about her!


I agree with everyone else, don't waste your $$ on the DNA test, buy Kaloo some killer toys instead :rolleyes:



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Guest SweetJordan
Seriously, don't waste your money.


We reran Sophie's test. She came back as a Golden Retriever this time. No lie. The test is a joke.

Just curious did you do the blood test at a vet's office or the cheek swap test that you mail in?



I think the problem with just looking at a dog in many cases is that the dog may look like this or that but in fact be this this and that. And too often people just go by the look of the dog and not the dogs traits. I also think that many mixes are more than two mixes yet they are rarely listed as such. And the so called 'designer dogs' they don't all come out looking the same. I know three people w/ puggles and they don't all look the same. Boomer had a labradoodle in one of his classes. I didn't even know the dog had a drop of lab in it until I heard the lady telling someone else. And people pay a lot of money for dogs like that when they could just go to a rescue or the shelter to find a very nice mix. Heck the mix I had I got her for free and I think that she was just the greastest thing. I'll never really know for sure what she was mixed with, but it doesn't really matter.

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Cheek swab. The last time we ran the test, Sophie was a Chihuahua (see the thread sluj referenced). I can believe Sophie might have some Golden in her (despite her personality and character traits, which include very strong-willed independence, high motion sensitivity, guarding/protection instincts, extreme prey drive, "cop-like attitude" with other dogs in play, etc.). No mention of Australian shepherd or border collie or any other herding breed. (She herds sheep like an aussie and moves like a border collie.) I don't believe she has much chihuahua in her but who knows? The other breed listed was English Coonhound. Uh, yeah. Okay, why not?

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The St., I can easily see - especially in the profile facial close-up shots, but also in the topline. The rest, who knows? And really, who cares?


If she loves you, and you love her, what does it matter her parentage?

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Cuz it's fun?


For example, I have decided Mr. Woo is a Kooikerhondje mix.




Hey? Hey? Who's with me here?




I understand they share the flamboyance.


Look at the resemblance!!




Mark that, genetic testing!!



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