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Way to go Riven!

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Wow! My brother and SIL stopped by with their 3 kids today. The 3 of them are 8,5 and 3. While Rohan was a typical jerk, Riven won them over with her calmness. When they came in I had her in a down stay. I had her roll on her back and let them pet her when I was sure she was calm. She just layed there enjoying the attention. They took her in the yard and played ball, and I made them come in cause she was getting hot. Its VERY hot today. Then they played with her in the house. Finally she realized if she didnt get the ball they'd get it for her and she didnt have to waste all the energy running down the hall LOL :rolleyes: They all 3 were able to take the ball from her mouth easily and throw it again. I was SO proud!! No barking at all!!! She was calm and submissive to all 3 kids. The 3 year old patted her and she just layed there happy to be loved and giving love. Im so proud of her, and so excited all my training on calming her down has worked. This is a picture of the girl of the day I took after they left. She's a great dog, and Im so blessed to have her. :D




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That's so great! Scout is the same way, last nite at the park, a baby in diaper only, waddled over and gave him a big hug, mom came running after him. But all was well (Scout was on the leash), and, except for eating the baby's dorito when he dropped it, was perfectly well behaved. (lessons to all potential moms: don't feed your baby doritos, and don't let them wander more than a yard or so from you!!!)


Good for Riven, sorry your other pup wasn't at its best. Riven is a beauty.

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Originally posted by Tammy525:

Good for Riven, sorry your other pup wasn't at its best. Riven is a beauty.

First thank you for the compliment! I think she's adorable, but Im prejudice lol :rolleyes:


Second lol... this is Rohan - a cat lol. :D He thinks he's a lion. His attitude shows in this picture.. although you dont get the hissing and constant irritated meowing effect lol



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Sorry, I remember now that Rohan is a cat. Yep, that picture says it all. I had a cat, Max, who the meter man asked me to put up when he came. He came to the door huffing and scared, "Miz, I ain't never asked nobody to put up their cat, but the thing CHARGED me. I like to never get out the yard!" Max knew his place as king of the world until he died at 17.


Well, I guess Rohan can just live off his good looks, right? How does Riven handle him? She looks like the sweetest thing in the world!

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LOL!!! That is totally something Rohan would do. Although outside, he's a sweetie and loves everyone. Get him in his "palace" though and he becomes the devil cat. Riven and Rohan actually get along well. I was in the bathroom the other day and Riven of course had to help me.. make sure I was putting my makeup on correctly. She was laying on the mat infront of the toilet. Rohan came in and rubbed against her nose. She sniffed him and he promptly bit her in the face LOL :rolleyes: Didnt hurt her at all, but he thought he was joe bad a$$. lol :D

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