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Jed Video


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Disclaimer....I shot this video myself while working a youngster that hasn't been out in 2 weeks.


Jed was pushing through a number of my stops hence the many repeated whistles (double stops) and a few wrong flanks....especially when he gets too far away. He slowed slightly on his outrun which he does once and awhile when it's unfamiliar.


I was busy filming (in full zoom) and didn't quite take notice of how far away he was on his first drive away (definitely beyond Open distance)....he lets me know that he's too far when he turns to look back at me, then there are a series of wrong flanks as Jed defaults to flanking toward the pressure (always to the left of the field) rather than the Away flank I was asking for. Then I realized that I needed to pay better attention and let the camera wander off while I helped Jed turn the sheep and fetch them back again. I <sigh> at one point, a little short of breath. I like that he fixed his own line a number of times....once I flanked him not realizing he was alread fixing him line, and over corrected the line.



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...you can work a dog, video tape AND whistle all at once??


My sentiments, precisely. I can barely do any of the above, one at a time. Now, how do you view a video that's posted like this? You are getting this question from a tech-impaired member of a previous generation.

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And I presume that the noises in the background are not your breathing but those of a cow or two?? I can see what you mean by his pushing thru some of his down whistles, but being that he hasn't been out to work for awhile and is only two he is just exuberant. Thanks for sharing this video.



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Yes, Jed is by Tex. I'm told his littermate is even nicer....not quite so much eye and freer flanking....tho' Jed might have a cooler head.


We'll see about Sturgis. I'll be taking Rye. I haven't even trialed Jed yet. I had to enter the upcoming trials so long ago, that I didn't enter him (he wasn't ready)...now I can't get him in as they are full. As it stands, it might be May before I can find a trial to enter him. Also, he is born wrong for Nursery....he's just turning 2 in March, so he'll be a baby in the Nurseries.


The good news is that he has plenty of scope and confidence and is an awesome shedder....he might be ready for Open for long....<knock on wood>.

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The year Kat ran in the nursery I hadn't trialed her until the first of June. She turned 2 in March. If he's ready it'll all work out! I'm not a big nursery competitor though as I don't like to push young dog's. But every now and then one just comes along (for me) that's ready at that age!


I'm running Kat's daughter, Uno, in nursery this year. I think she'll be ready. She can be a bit pushy but is very natural and takes to training really well. She's got all her bells and whistles on her now just need to get more miles under her. Lambing season ought to help with that. She got her mother's feel for stock and her dad's intensity so she suits me pretty well. We'll see how it goes through the summer though.


Good luck and have fun with Jed! Look forward to seeing you this fall if not before.

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Well BJ and Rae were extremely impressed with your whistles! They perked right up and started cocking their heads. They were probably thinking that they wished I could whistle like that!




Same here! My Dune and our current foster dog Breck (who has never met a sheep) both perked up and were looking quite interested.


Nice job with Jed, he looks like a great dog.

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