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Would you who breed Border Collies ever sell a puppy to someone off the forum?


I was just thinking that when the time come for me to get a BC, some day, would there be any breeders here willing to sell a puppy to me? Or anyone else on the forum?



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Not a breeder, but I know it has been done, and I think it is actually not a bad way for each party to get to know eachother :rolleyes: If you hear of a litter, just pm the breeder :D

Would you who breed Border Collies ever sell a puppy to someone off the forum?


I was just thinking that when the time come for me to get a BC, some day, would there be any breeders here willing to sell a puppy to me? Or anyone else on the forum?



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I'd have to get to know you just as if you were someone who contacted me through word of mouth or seeing me at a trial or whatever. But, the advantage to the board is usually you know people a bit better, although that can be decieving. People sure can fool you. :rolleyes:


By "you" I don't mean "you" the original poster, I mean I'm too lazy and in too much of a hurry to go back and change all those to something less personal. :D

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Okay, thank you.


There is a chance I'll be getting a BC when my old dane (who is 9 yo) is gone... So, I always thought it'd be nice to get one from someone on a forum so they could watch him/her grow up... etc.


Thank you for your resposes.

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I sold a pup to a member of this board. I felt like I knew enough about the person through my contact here and privately to entrust her with a pup. I wasn't disappointed (although we *never* seem to get enough pictures :rolleyes: ). I think it really just depends on the situation. I wouldn't sell a pup to just anyone on this board, but there are some whom I think would make great homes.



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Thank you...


I'm looking into rescues as well... :rolleyes: So, I was just wondering if some people here would... I understand not just anyone could get a pup, and I probably don't show my face around here enough to be one of the ones who could... But I was curious.

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I got my pup from a longtime member of these boards. Couldn't be happier with my dog and I'm eternally grateful to her breeder for taking a chance with me, and giving me so much support and advice on raising and training my first sheepdog.


I don't breed, but if I did I personally wouldn't be opposed to placing a pup with someone I "know" through a message board, provided I had the opportunity to speak with them over the phone and get to know them through e-mail. I have a bit of a phobia about shipping dogs in cargo and would want them to come and pick up the puppy in person, though.

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I don't breed either, but I agree with the last part of Grace's post. IMO I breeder should still question you/talk to you/ect like they would with a person that wasn't on the forum. I would think having them on a board with you could be an added bonus.

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I kinda wish I knew to look more into the breeder, she wasn't all that helpful with any of the issues Char put me through (sprained bones, nail problems, ect) granted my next dog will for sure be a rescue, I'd want to see about going through the forums just cause these people are both informed and easy to contact in case of emergency or issue.


Mine talked to me about wanting to breed char again later, but after learning how special bc's are I decided I'd take my pup and let the pros handle that.

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