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Mick and public displays of human affection

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Okay, the new seven-month-old, Mick, doesn't like displays of affection between myself and my spouse. If we give each other a hug, he jumps on us. If we want to cuddle on the couch, he wants to intervene. Etc. He doesn't growl, but it is really annoying. Correction doesn't seem to help.


We've only had him about ten days, btw.


Any ideas?

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Then I would suggest that when Mick insists that he be the center of attention, which is what it appears it to be, that he be put in the crate.

This sounds like pack posturing to me and Mick needs to know that he places below you and your spouse.

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Crating him would be a good idea. That and you can try using the NILF training. He's probably just wants all the attention since he's so new to the family. He'll learn that he has his time and you have yours. A crate can be a blessing.

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This sounds like pack posturing to me and Mick needs to know that he places below you and your spouse.



That's exactly what I thought when I read it. If you dont nip this at the bud its going to cause issues later that could end up being more serious. It could lead to him challenging your wife in all sorts of ways - the least being not listening to her and the worst being physically aggressive.


Putting him in his crate and ignoring him completely is a great way to start. I would also have your wife be the one to feed him for a while and make him sit first and eat when she says "eat!". This will help put her on top in that furry little noggin of his :rolleyes:

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By the way, that's what your dog's initials BC stand for! Birth Control! Hah!! :rolleyes:


I actually said this the other night while we were watching TV: "Don't kiss me, he's being good!" It's insane what a seven-month-old bc is like. I believe he may be demon possessed...

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Yes, even though we are at grandparent stage, we know the the BC in Fergie stands for birth control.


If we hug or kiss - or even dance during the oldies show or Prairie Home Companion, Fergie paws at our legs, tries to join in, or grabs one of her toys and slams it around. We ignore her. It's never gone beyond that, so we've let it go for almost 12 years.


We even play with it. We'll each be down doing "rub-her tummy" and start smooching. She goes bananas trying to intervene but still get the rubs.

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