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Rescue dogs

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I was just wondering how this rescuing thing works. Before we got Ladybug, and was looking for a dog, a called the local pound. They said I could come look at the dogs and fill out an app. if I wanted too. This completely floored me. What is the application for? and why couldnt I just get the dog? What are they looking for? And, is this anything like foster care for children? We ended up getting Ladybug from a breeder, but if this rescue is anything like foster care, we have had an extremely bad experience with foster care for children. I am an avid dog lover and have always had a dog, and I could never imagine not having one. But, I have to say, that if rescue is anything close to fostercare, my husband would not go for it and I could never blame him because the experience we had was unspeakable and torture. So that is why we opted for the breeder.

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I am not sure what your experiences were with foster care, so I am not sure what similarities and difference you are refering to. Foster care is a state/federal program. Most pounds that I know of are run by non-profits or specific counties (sometimes a combonation of the two) Animal rescues are run by volunteers. The reason that they have applications is that they want to make sure that the dog is in a permanent loving home. As an avid dog lover I am sure you have heard of people abusing their animals and abandoning them because they just don't feel like taking care of them. The applications help rescues place dogs with the right people and are a safegaurd to ensure those dogs get the wonderful life they deserve. It is not always fun to go through all the red tape, but without it these poor pups could wind up in the wrong hands. I am sure the many rescue people on these boards could elaborate more on any specific questions that you have. I hope this helps answer your question.

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