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ankle nipping

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Our Josie, who was a rescue back in September, has become a wonderful member of the family. We have been able to work through some negative behaviors such as car chasing and aggression towards people and other dogs.

There is one thing which she does not do often, but tends to catch us by surprise, is when a male comes in our home, acknowledges her, and turns to walk away, she will grab at their ankle. She never bites hard but more or less grabs the pant leg. Needless to say this can be startling. Has anyone else had this problem? What is the best approach to use to correct her?

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Violet, my BC, does this to my husband a lot. I find it helps to tell him she obviously sees him as the ram in charge and believes she can control the flock by controlling him. OK, it may be weak, but it's hard to find a flattering way to tell someone they've been mistaken for a sheep. :rolleyes:


Oh, as for the dog, we just make a sort of "aaangh" sound at her when she does it. It stops her doing it for at least 20 seconds or so. :D

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Originally posted by Jean, Josie's Mom:

We have been able to work through some negative behaviors such as car chasing and aggression towards people and other dogs.

There is one thing which she does not do often, but tends to catch us by surprise, is when a male comes in our home, acknowledges her, and turns to walk away, she will grab at their ankle. She never bites hard but more or less grabs the pant leg.

I am far from being an expert, but have been dealing with, researching and seeking professional counsel for a dog I recently rescued who has demonstrated aggression issues under specific circumstances. So here's a possibility you might consider. What you describe likely has less to do with herding instinct and more to do with a fear aggressive reaction, particularly since you noted that she has exhibited similar issues in the past. I described a similar incident with my new dog to a Certified Applied Behaviorist and she explained this type of aggression is common in fearful dogs who lack the confidence for a frontal attack, so they wait until the stranger turns to leave to release their aggression.


Here's a link to an article that details this scenario as well as a program to work through it.



However, I feel compelled to include a disclaimer here. Aggression issues are not for amateurs to deal with, and can become worse if handled improperly. When in doubt, consult a professional behaviorist or trainer.

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I have only had problems with the ACD's doing this. My husband had a dog (Dalley) that was a ACD coyote cross (I hated this dog), and when someone would come to the house she would wag her tail, bark and let you come to the house, then BAM she would nail you on the ankle just as soon as you tried to return to your vehicle (this is a ACD trick). My daughters and husband thought it was fun to kick at her to play and make her bight your ankles, and sometimes drag you to the ground and sit on you. UNTILLLLLLLLLLL


The incident with the census man. He parked at my parents house (1/4 mile down the drive way) and walked up to my house, at the time I had 3 ACD's and 1 Border Collie. The kids were little and were playing on the trampoline I had stayed home sick from work. The poor man crested the hill and all 3 ACD's just stood up and looked, the border collie(Cherokee) was a pup and started to run up to greet him and scared the man, he turned to go (ok run from the puppy) and all hell broke loose from the ACD's. That poor guy started kicking at those dogs and then had 2 dogs hanging onto his pant legs, another running circles around him, 2 little girls screaching (you know if you have girls that terrible sound) and a crazed woman in nothing but her bra and unders yeilding a broom as a weapon. (I honestly did not have any idea who and what that man was doing until he threw his census papers down). The kids got control of the dogs on his pant legs, I grabbed the circling dog, the pup was back in the yard hiding and the census man, would have broke track records that day, and never came back. I look back on it now and am a bit amused but it could have been so much worse. So from that day on I never allowed ankle bite playing, and we got involved with 4-H obedience so we could control the dogs. AND best of all.......... I have one Senior ACD left (who still likes to bite the girls ankles at times) and border collies who are so much easier to get along with.

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Wow! What a story! Forgive me but the picture it painted in my head made me laugh. :rolleyes:

Glad it didn't turn out worse.

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Yeah it did for me too. God Bless

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Originally posted by Jean, Josie's Mom:

Where are you in S.C.?

We now live on St. Helena Island but are moving to the Belton area in just over a week.

Sorry, just saw this. I'm about 30 miles due west of N. Myrtle Beach. St. Helena is beautiful - although by now you're probably on the way to Belton. I think DixieGirl lives up that way.
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I totally feel ya. Gonzo has very similar behaviors, VERY rarely, but it's enough to concern me... it actually happened today! I was at the park with 4 of my friends, & one of their Aussies, with Gonzo & Fozzie. Everyone was being good, until our friend Jake came walking into the fenced park. He approached without even looking at the dogs (he's nice, but not a "dog person"... which is why I told him he shouldn't even come), and Gonzo sat politely wagging his tail. When the other 2 dogs approached him, so did Gonzo with only mild interest in Jake. Then, Jake kind of kicked out at them and ignored them and kept walking towards us. I saw Gonzo creeping behind him and before I could yell "leave it", he had nipped at Jake's calf and scared him (it didn't leave any marks, of course). Jake proceded to kick out again (freakin dork) and Gonzo circled around him again before I could call him away. :/ I know that I need to better control him when strangers approach, because he will only do this to strangers that are approaching & ignoring him. It makes me feel like he is passive-aggressive, kind of, and demands attention... I know he is insecure, and it's so hard for me to figure out how to help him.

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