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Does your dog do this?

Guest Freckles LaLa Mom

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heh....I don't know where she learned it since she came to me...but, Sophie sits a yard away while I free pour her bowl.....then, when I'm away from the bowl she'll eat. She came with that and sit! :rolleyes:

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Mickey, my former foster, always ate lying down. At first I thought it was because he was guardy. He wasn't. You could take the bowl away no problem, and I had to watch that Dean didn't try to snitch Mickey's food because Mickey wouldn't defend it. I thought it might be because he was so fat (71 pounds when he came), but as he lost weight (50 pounds when he left), the habit persisted.


I guess he just liked eating that way.

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My mom's dog lies down to eat and drink. But she's queen so you shal fed her anyway :rolleyes:

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I've got one that does the 'take a bite and walk 5 ft away and eat' ; I've got 2 that insist on laying down

to eat and one that will stand ,sit , lay down and take a mouthful of food away from the bowl. It mainly

seems to depend on what they are eating ie a bonelees meat meal or say, a leg quarter....

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