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Introducing your dog to a lawn mower

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This last week-end was perfect training for my obsessed dog, Usher and the dreaded "LAWN MOWER". Actually I didn't know if he liked it or hated it- hmmm. So, with my Boyfriends help & I wish I had a video we accomplished this phobia. Took about 45 minutes. First start the lawn mower (with dog on leash-tugging) Barking, hyper dog ..... then with leash, approach lawn mower, this needs at least 3 people. AND A SAFE LAWN MOWER. Let the dog about a foot away from the lawn mower and give him time to bark and release from the leash, relax... approach the lawn mower again... baby steps. OK- Lawn mower is no longer scary or fun, just an appliance, next throw ball while lawn mower is moving (still on leash) good- ball is more fun than lawn mower. Eventually, this lawn mower thing is no problem. Lawn mower moved, no problems, dog was obsessed with something else, lawnmower owner- only a little nip in the butt after leash release- no teeth- LOL. Just a wet spot.

Dog not obsessed with lawn mower anymore ........I think.....LOL.

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Great job...my little girl Meg goes nuts with the lawn mower trying to bite the wheels, barking like a nut so into the house she goes until the job is done...wish you did have a video to see how it worked.

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So many dogs go nuts over the lawn mower. Ruby really wants to get close and bark at it, but only when it starts. After I'm mowing, she just goes back to her usual running.


Yesterday, I tried something new. I put her on a down stay and went back to the mower to start it, and she held her stay! I released her after I started moving.


I'm so proud of her!!!

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So many dogs go nuts over the lawn mower. Ruby really wants to get close and bark at it, but only when it starts. After I'm mowing, she just goes back to her usual running.


Yesterday, I tried something new. I put her on a down stay and went back to the mower to start it, and she held her stay! I released her after I started moving.


I'm so proud of her!!!

WOW- that's a better way, but I'm afraid Usher wouldn't listen after the motor started- LOL.

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My own opinion on this is that dogs and lawnmowers are like dogs and laser pointers. Ne'er the twain shall meet. Dogs are in the house before the lawnmower starts and don't come out until it stops. That way no dog parts or dog toys under the blades of the mowers. No errant rocks or sticks in the head or eye, and no nutty behaviour.


Vacum cleaners and such I'll train them to ignore but chainsaws, lawnmowers, weedwhackers, anything with rotating knives, I'll just put them up until I'm finished because even the best trained dog has an off day.



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When my husband is out mowing the lawn, Lili is leading the way and Rudi is following him! It is so cute to watch - hopefully one day I can get a video. The three of them - back and forth, back and forth. Of course Lili usually has a toy in her mouth or very close by so when he stops mowing my husband can be ready to play! They get a workout too because my husband mows a couple of our neighbors' lawns as well and their little white feet end up green for a couple hours after.

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I cut the lawn with a riding mower and have trained my girls to stay on the deck while the mower is running. As soon as I shut it off they coming screaming at me because it is now play time.


Same thing goes for the trimmer, chain saw, etc. I don't want to be busy doing something and turn the wrong way and chop a dog. Better safe than sorry.

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I must have abnormal Border Collies. Neither one of them could care less about lawnmowers, vacuums, or other large motorized objects, with the exception of big generators and huge trucks which somewhat perturb Fly (but not Solo). If anything, they both avoid the vacuum, and I don't blame them given that it's really loud and musty smelling.


My dogs also hate sprinklers, and think hoses are laser death ray guns.

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Bonnie has never cared at all about the lawn mower nor shown any interest in anything loud like that eg vaccum etc. But when I get the whipper-snipper (not sure what it's called outside of aus, but its the thing that you trim the sides of the lawn near the pavement etc with...) she will always try to attack it, which scares that absolute hell outa me and so I always lock her up when I do the lawn.

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