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Hi all, I'm a little worried about my newly adopted 1 year old border collie. I can't seem to get him motivated to want to anything. He's not interesed in balls, toys, bones or anything. He hust seem's to mope around all day. I tried to introduce him to clicker training but he is just not interested. The only thing i have found that makes him wag his tale is other dog's. I am a very active person and so i adopted what I thought was gonna be a very active dog, i'm at a loss. If any one could give me any suggestions on how to get the border collie out of the lump of fur lying in front of my tv I would be truly gratefull..

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What do you know about his previous life? How long have you had him? Neither one of mine knew how to play when I got them either. I just kept on. When they were being silly after a bath, I got them to play. I have now created ball, frisbee, stuffed animal, and hose crazed dogs!

Give him time to adjust and bond to you.

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Hi and welcome to the wonderful world of border collies! As a foster home for rescue border collies I can honestly say that this is not uncommon. I have a couple of questions first and then a couple of suggestions.


1) you say 'recently adopted' how long have you had him? a week, month, more than 6 months


2) have you had him vetted to rule out any illness or injury?


3) where did you get him from? were they able to give you any background on him?


4) how does he interact with your and any other members of the household?


5) how old is he


Most rescue dogs go through an adjustment period how long it lasts depends on the dog himself. He could still be depressed and shellshocked from his experiences of being removed from his last home/family situation. No matter how bad was to him it was home and a known situation. Now he is in a whole new world, perhaps he was an outdoor dog and never knew the comfort of a house, or he was mistreated, or although rare possibly he came from a home where he was loved but could no longer be cared for. I would patience, time and love are wonderful healers of mind and soul if he brightens up with other dogs and he is good around them I would encourage you to perhaps find a doggie playmate that he can interact with on a regular basis, watching his friend romp and play with toys and people will help point him in the right direction. I am NOT saying go get another dog, but look into any dogpark in your area, is there a friend or neighbor that has a door that would be willing to bring their pup over to play in the yard or go for walks with small steps are best. I know it can be frustrating but stick with it and soon enough barring injury or illness you will have a happy playful pup.

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Guest WoobiesMom

Well, if other dogs make him happy, maybe flyball would be for him. Look for a team near you and see if they'd let you bring him with you to observe. If he gets excited, maybe that's your ticket.


Have you had him checked by the vet for a medical reason behind his malaise?

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Most rescue dogs go through an adjustment period how long it lasts depends on the dog himself. He could still be depressed and shellshocked from his experiences of being removed from his last home/family situation. No matter how bad was to him it was home and a known situation. Now he is in a whole new world, perhaps he was an outdoor dog and never knew the comfort of a house, or he was mistreated, or although rare possibly he came from a home where he was loved but could no longer be cared for.


*nods* Yup, my thoughts exactly. I would say give your new dog more time. Lots of time, love and patience is what he needs right now. I bet you'll find you have a totally different dog in a few months. (This is of course, assuming he has no medical issues that might be causing his lack of engery and enthusiasm)

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wholehearted agreemeentnt on the posts and the most important thing is where did he come from and what was his/her life there? We did a border rescue and for 2 weeks Ellie would not come out of the crate; didn't know a ball from a bollweevil; didn't even look at the cats and in general was comatose and this was all an aside from being PETRIFIED of em the grizzly bear. With months(4) of TLC by The Fabulous Ms. Leslie she was able to come and go as she pleased thoguh the dog door was a scary situation as was walkking behind the couch through an open door looking at me. Now whe takes her toys outside in to the yard, 4 MONTHS later and chases the cats. DOes she make eye contact with you? Ellie is very leery of me around the house but now she has discovered baseball!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ONce I found I could substitute the word "ready" for come she was delirious. Full tilt boogie in the big field with bat and kong ball. SHe doesn't bring it back closer then 25 feet or so but she gets the run and the exercise which has boosted her appetite and will then make her feel stronger then it would follow less fearful but that is just a guess. We also leashed here which she just loved :rolleyes: before we started baseball and walked the perimeter of the ranch every chance I got. She lived in a cage for the first 10 months of her life and I am sure was physically mistreated so the work is there in front of us. HEr herd instinct is strong. Other dogs had little if any interest to her but now we can all go play ball and she will actually come to me for a nose touch. And these 2 dogs play full contact football....once the other dog is gone she won't come near me again. The Fabulous Ms. Leslie can get her and she'll come to her but Me? no bueno. one day my smiling Irish eyes will get her. She recently came close to the deck during supper with the other dog so I was tossing her some meat etc (I know bad owner but bad habits are easier to change than no contact at all) and we had the world famous BC owner eye contact where I knew what she wanted and she knew I knew so we left ASAP for the pasture and wild dog play. THids time she did come ot me enough for a nose touch. THat was cause for headline news. She has a long way to go but she has already come so far and that makes my heart happy.

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Thanks for the quick response, The only thing i know about his past, is that the spca found him as a stray. If he did have a home, judging by his teeth it was not a good one. He gets on really well with my two toddlers and is good around the house. I'm gonna just have to give him time. judging by the photo would any of you guys say he was a bc mix or pure bred?


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