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Fun Night at the Dog Park!

Guest WoobiesMom

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Guest WoobiesMom

Woobie's off Benadryl and back to his running and frolicking self so we were all happy to go and play with his furry friends. We're there for a bit and having a nice time. Then, some moron comes up to the gate and puts his big rottie in the park, then stands on the other side of the gate. His dog's not the least bit interested in the other dogs, just wants to be near his owner. Then the owner goes out of the 2nd gate and the dog starts jumping on the fence. He keeps telling the dog down and starts walking towards the parking lot. I'm thinking that maybe he's training the dog or something because he keeps calling things to the dog. But then, he keeps on walking down the trail and over towards the bball courts which are separated from the dog park by trees and a playground. I ask the owners who were near the gate if he asked them to watch the dog, they say no, I ask if he said anything, like he'd be right back, etc. They all say no. I get pizzed and was getting ready to go find him and remind him of the rules. But a park employee shows up and I have him do it. A park supervisor happened to be on hand, and they both go over to find the guy after I give a description. In the meantime, his dog takes a giant dump right in front of the gate and continues to stand near the fence and whine.


Finally the guy comes back and is all loud and boisterously complaining about someone ratting him out and his dog is fine, why don't people mind they own business, etc. Then another guy comes in with his big pit bull who is totally fine with the other dogs, running and playing but the whole time the guy is chasing it and not only yelling obscenities at his dog but at everyone else's dog who comes anywhere near his dog. Idiot #1 brings his LITTLE girls with him who are all under the age that's allowed even with parental supervision, so they are getting quite an education colorful language and good dog handling.


Woobs and I headed for the exit and can't wait until the cold weather returns and the more recreational owners stop showing up because they're too lazy to bring their dogs out. Grr! :rolleyes:


On a more positive front, after one day on chicken and potatoes, Woobie's stool is smaller and darker than on kibble. Hoping "firm" will soon be in his future. He's scratching alot and digging at his ears but I'm trying to ride that out without Benadryl.

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A lot of people take their dogs to the dog park then turn around and talk to each other. They don't even look or care about their dogs. That was totally irresponsible of that man to just leave his dog there & he should have been "ratted on".

So far, we have had nothing but great experiences at our new dog park. But I'm sure the time will come. Usher considers the dog park as the place where I really get to run further for the ball. I got one of those tennis ball tossers (I throw like a girl) plus no dog spit- and although he likes to play a little with others, he's more concentrated on the ball. Luckily, he gets along well with any dog so we haven't had any trouble. He's a little over-friendly, so I'm sure there will be one dog that won't tolerate him, but so far so good.

Sorry you had a bad experience.

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What a jerk! That's one of my main irritations: people choose stupid or illegal behavior, then when they get caught, they blame whoever caught them or turned them in. I see a lot of it in my adolescent students, but there are a lot of adults caught in that cycle, too!



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That's tough to deal with, did anyone say anything about his language around the children. Sorry you had such a bad time, the guy probably doesn't have much authority anywhere else so he tries to be a tough guy where he can. Probably the same type of guy who will scream at some kid working behind the counter because he had to wait more than 30 seconds. Hopefully you won't have too many repeats.



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Guest WoobiesMom

No, no one said much to either of the tools! And there were several large men in the park, one a Marine recruit, and nobody had the nerve to say a word! No one said anything about the language to Tool #2 probably because the girls' father was cursing almost as badly. Figures that guys with these types of attitudes would have a pit bull and a rottweiler. I felt bad for the dogs because they were both really well-natured, in spite of their owners. I did tell Tool #1 that his dog had taken a big dump right near the gate while he was gone and it needed to be cleaned up as I passed him on my way out. As soon as I looked him in his eyes, he dropped his and said "Oh, sorry."


I SUPPOSE that there was probably a nicer way to go about it, but I have tried the nice approach with so many people at the park, especially the ones who bring small children in and it just hasn't worked. I'm not the sweetest person either, I'm more like the crazy cranky old woman living alone with too many animals wielding a shot gun yelling "Git off ma' propty!" I should change my license plate to CURMUDGN! :rolleyes:


Sometimes I'm so tempted to just sit back and let the inevitable melee ensue but I couldn't live with myself if an innocent child got hurt or an innocent, unattended dog was harmed, or got out of the gates and got hit by a car (so many of the kids who aren't supposed to be there leave the flipping gates wide open!). Plus, I'm always worried that if there's a big enough incident, the county will shut it down, and that would be a big loss in our lives.

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I'm not saying you should be nice to anyone like that, true they might see it as weakness. But if you just tell them not to do that assertively, it will 9 times out of 10 snap them out of their irrational tirade. It seemed to work pretty well with the guy who's dog took the dump. I don't know of any father who wants to be seen as a bad one, even if he is. I rarely see any bumper stickers that say "I suck at being a Parent, and I'm proud of it!"




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Guest WoobiesMom

That's true Scratcher, but what about the parents who come in without dogs and with children under 5 to "visit the doggies". Then when one of us tell them that the rules are no one under 10 years even with a parent, then they say "Oh, she's fine with dogs, she likes dogs." Then one of us say "Well, some of the dogs don't like children (like mine) and we wouldn't want her to get hurt." Dad says "Oh, she'll be fine." Then Boopsie the 4 year old advances on my dog who's wedged himself under the bench because he's afraid and I say "Please don't try to pet him, he's afraid, honey." And Dad says, "Oh, she likes dogs, she'll be gentle." And I say, "It doesn't matter if she's gentle, he doesn't lilke it, I wouldn't want her to get bitten (trying to be stronger)." Clueless Dad says "Oh, she'll be fine." and I end up leaving because I've reached an anger level that if I say anything more it will come out nasty and I'd rather just leave.


I've even lied and told parents of these really small kids that a small kid got bit in the face in the past week and they're not allowed in there and the parents have said "Well these dogs look nice." and STAYED!!! I've gotten better at being more assertive at the outset before I get angry and just say "Don't touch my dog, he doesn't like kids. Don't chase him! Hey, your kids need to stop chasing my dog."


That's why I loved going when it was snowing and the only people there were the hard core responsible dog lovers. Bad weather weeds out the nuts.

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You can only do so much. Some people think that they know it all and aren't open to suggestions. This is dangerous in all aspects because it leads to complacency. It sucks that you have to sometimes cut out your time, but i guess it's better than someone getting hurt even if it is their own fault. It's like people who see nothing wrong with their kids wreaking havok on a dog but then get upset when the dog eventually gets pissed off. Good luck to you, against your ungentlemanly patrons.



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Then when one of us tell them that the rules are no one under 10 years even with a parent, then they say "Oh, she's fine with dogs, she likes dogs." Then one of us say "Well, some of the dogs don't like children (like mine) and we wouldn't want her to get hurt." Dad says "Oh, she'll be fine." Then Boopsie the 4 year old advances on my dog who's wedged himself under the bench because he's afraid and I say "Please don't try to pet him, he's afraid, honey." And Dad says, "Oh, she likes dogs, she'll be gentle." And I say, "It doesn't matter if she's gentle, he doesn't lilke it, I wouldn't want her to get bitten (trying to be stronger)." Clueless Dad says "Oh, she'll be fine." and I end up leaving because I've reached an anger level that if I say anything more it will come out nasty and I'd rather just leave.


I'd just say "no, you may not pet him" and then stand in front of your dog and physically keep the child from petting him. No reason to get to the point where you are angered by it. Just be pleasant, but very assertive "I know you love dogs, but you can't pet him". You can even give a short lesson why - " see the way he's hiding? that means he is scared, and you should never pet a dog who is scared because of A, B and C". And just don't let the child come close to you dog. Parents might think you're a total jerk, but you're doing their child a far greater favor that they are.

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