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Question about Dog Parks

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We just had a local park open up near my house and yesterday Usher and I went. No one was there except a man getting out of his car with his German Shepard. We walked in the gate at the same time. Along came a Boston terrier and a beautiful golden. There were tennis balls there and frozen water. Very nice park. The question is........ Do people play with your dog because they are more fun than their own? It seemed everyone loved playing with Usher and watching him run for the ball and ignored their own dogs. Is it just because border collies are just so much more fun?

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How could you even question it?!? OF course border collies are more fun then all other dogs!!!

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That's what usually happens at our dog park. People gather around watching my girls play ball and let their own dogs fend for themselves.

I think it's because they like to see how good our dogs play. They are in awe because their dog won't bring the ball back or even go get it after they throw it.


We always have people looking on and many who ask how did I train them to do that. Even the people who see my girls all the time still stop and watch, they never get tired of watching them. Get used to it, people are always going to watch your dog. It's the mystery of the border collie. :rolleyes:

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Same thing happens when I take mine to the park. People love to play fetch with Bailey. I ignore him and he takes that ball to some sucker who throws it for him. Most people enjoy it and play with him. When they leave he'll take the ball to someone else, until he finds another person to play. I think that people who have dogs that don't play fetch or do tricks enjoy doing something with our border collies!

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I took Missy and Kipp to our family get-together on the 4th. They were a kid magnet - which worked out fine as all the kids were well behaved, and Missy learned a long time ago that kids throw balls! The kids all wanted to throw the ball and frisbee and several of them told me "you have really nice dogs" or "your dogs are really cool"

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Guest WoobiesMom

There are dogs that attract more attention than others, especially the cutie Border Collies! And if your dog likes doing things, that will attract certain people to interact. When Woobie gets sick of me and is more interested in the other dogs, there are certain dogs that love fetching, etc. that I love to play with. And there's a group of regular dogs that I like visiting with too. Hope you continue to have good experiences there, dog parks can be such fun for both you and your dog.

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Border Collies are way cooler and way more fun than other dogs!! :D But Black Jack is the same way. Everyone loves to come over and pet him and play with him when I'm at the park. I try not to let to many people play with him at a time so he doesn't get scared by all the noise.


At the PetCo I go to everyone always ends up petting him and giving him treats when I'm in line or looking around. They always say "he's so nice and well behaved, I think they're so cool because they're all so nice" So I tell them he has had lots of training and I work with him everyday. It makes me look really smart :D:rolleyes:

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