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dogs in tents

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No skunks here :rolleyes:


It's okay, I've taken her to literally all sorts of places with me, off leash. Thanks for the warning anyway!


Sure, come over and bring the dogs! Kessie would love some BC company!

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Originally posted by Lunar:

after waking up to realize we'd pitched my tent int he middle of basically a dry creek bed.... and it was now raining, pouring.... and the creek was no longer dry. *sigh*

LOL :D:D That sounds like something I'd do.


Originally posted by sandra s.:

Originally posted by smileyzookie:

We are camping in Yellowstone Park at the end of August so we need to realize if we are missing anything too lol.

Camping in Yellowstone, you lucky ***** :rolleyes: ... take lots of pictures!


(You do know Yellowstone is getting ready to blow up, don't you? Sure you don't want to send me instead? :D

LOL :D Im SO excited!! We're goin to the Grand Tetons the day we leave the park too. I cant wait!! Im on a volcano kick lately. I LOVE seeing volcano's and researching them. Im hoping next year to go on a volcano tour of the cascade mountains here. I'd like to see Hawaii's volcano's but Im too poor at the moment lol. And I gladly trade one Yellowstone trip for all the beautiful scenery you get!!! LOL but only if you throw in Kessie :D:D
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Hmmm...since you're on a volcano trip you'll be able to appreciate sitting on top of a future one (besides you've already posted gorgeous pics of this fella's earlier "work")...so I might let you go there...of course this


but only if you throw in Kessie
may have something to do with it too :rolleyes:
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We have been camping at agility trials for about 5 years now and one thing I learned is: MAKE SURE YOU HAVE ALL THE PIECES OF YOUR TENT!!!. WE went to a trial in Fryeburg Maine, got to the site very late and pulled the tent out to set it up. Well...we opened the tent and NO TENT POLES!! IT wasnt my fault.LOL it is hubbys job to pack tents at the end of a trip. My job is to pack everything else car, food, clothes, kids, dogs ect. Fortunately for us we had our 12x12 EZ up we pulled our mini van under it, clipped our big tarps all around the EZ up and we slept in the car. I can testify that a Chrysler Town and Country will sleep (not nessicarily comfortably) 2 adults, 2 kids, 3 border collies and 1 aussie. Hubby went to they LL Bean store the next day and bought us a new tent! The dogs can and will figure out how to open the zipper on a tent so if I need to leave them inside while I am away I use a double ended snap to clip the zipper tabs together. I also bring a 30ft longe line, thread leashes onto it and tie it between 2 trees. That way I have a tie out without allowing them to run lose. Carry extra leashes, a crate, if you have it an ex-pen, more food than you will actually need in case of unforeseen delays in returning home ie (god forbid) auto accident, dog or people illness, breakdowns ect. Natural shampoo to get rid of the creek smell after. Pre treat for ticks, fleas, mosquitos and bring along pet safe spray. If you have sun/heat reflective tarps bring them. In hot weather at trials I take the fly off and use these over the top of the tent to reduce heat and increase air flow. Bungees, clamps of different sizes, spare tent pegs, extra rope/string.

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OOOPS! :rolleyes: I'll make sure to give that tent an extra check before leaving! Right now it's still in the box, so I don't even know if it's complete to begin with. Thanks for reminding me! I always forget something important while packing, but at least it will not be the tent this time :D .


Btw, this is Kessie's first camping trip, not mine - and guess what I left at home when we went to Switzerland for camping and mineral collecting the year before her arrival in my life? My entire fxxxing backpack! With three fourths of my stuff in it. :mad: So reminders are mostly not wasted on me...


We won't be away from civilisation at any point (we chose to camp only because it is cheap) so food supply should not be a problem.

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LOL :rolleyes: Sounds familiar! I used to sleep outside in the field with the neighbour's pony (my buddy; he was alone all the time back then and I was honored to be his surrogate horse) but he stole my pillow and blankets and lay down on them! Got a bit cold then...

These days the balcony will do, but if there was a backyard, camping there would be a great idea! You sleep so much more peacefully outside.

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We have a campsite back in a little clearing in our bush and we've always taken the dogs with us and they slept in the tent. (of course then there was only Noah and Lightning to contend with. They just snuggled in between us (Noah, me, Lightning, my daughter, and when he was able to join us my husband squeezed in there somewhere too!). Now though we've also got the pups so I'm not sure how that will go. We may not even end up camping out this year, there have been lots of bears sited in our area and we also had a coyote come out of the bush behind the chicken coop a couple of months ago. Once last year Lightning woke me up growling and barking and when I peeked out of the tent and shone the light around I found 2 sets of eyes glowing at us from up in a nearby tree. It was a couple of young coons thatI know had hanging around our chicken coop. Sometimes we'd also wake up to the sound of hooves when the horses were moving around on their trails through the bush.


I've never taken anything special for the dogs when we've camped with them, except their food and extra water, but then again, we're on our own property and it's not a very long walk back up to the house if we need anything.

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The biggest predators here are...foxes :rolleyes: . Kessie, though, will probably hear monster grizzlies all over the campground, and she'll try to play Grizzly Terminator and the tent is SMALL.


At least she's only one dog...but it must have been fun to camp with the whole lot of them! Sounds like wonderful chaos!

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