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What videos are worth getting


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Hello. I'm new to the "Board" and new to herding. I have a year-old rescue who, it turns out, is quite naturally talented. I'm playing "catch up."


I'm already working with a trainer and reading a couple of books (V. Holland and H. Glyn Jones) but would also like a video or two that might help me better visualize what i'm doing.


I'd like to see dogs being trained -- and preferably not always assuming the viewer is starting with a young pup.


Can anyone make some recommendations?



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Have you thought about videoing your lesson? It really helped me out at first.




Hello. I'm new to the "Board" and new to herding. I have a year-old rescue who, it turns out, is quite naturally talented. I'm playing "catch up."


I'm already working with a trainer and reading a couple of books (V. Holland and H. Glyn Jones) but would also like a video or two that might help me better visualize what i'm doing.


I'd like to see dogs being trained -- and preferably not always assuming the viewer is starting with a young pup.


Can anyone make some recommendations?



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As a purchaser of many of Geri's DVDs, tapes and books, I'd strongly recommend anything of Derek Scrimgeour's. I have really learned a lot from both The Shepherd's Pup and from the earlier A Hill Shepherd Trains His Border Collies, which has some fabulous footage of trained dogs at work on the hill at its very end. I'd also highly recommend his book, Talking Sheepdogs.


If you are new to the stockdog world, though, I would most highly recommend reading Donald McCaig's Eminent Dogs, Dangerous Men. There is nothing else like it.

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Here is the link to the videos that Geri has available. http://www.bcollies.com/videos.htm


I would strongly recommend Derek's A shepherd's pup. I was out last week at his clinic for a couple of days and learned so much. I will be going back out again this week for a couple of days too.



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I dont mean to get somewhat off subject, but does anyone know of a forum or store that sells the videos and/or books used? When getting started the cost of buying videos and books at 20-40 dollars a pop can get a little pricey. Maybe there could be a BC Boards Library where we could exchange resources.


Back on topic, I have the Rural route video and it seems good to me. It is very broad and basic, but if you know nothing any information is valuable. :rolleyes:

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Right now, I only have the Rural Route Video. Last fall, I had the opportunity to have a few lessons. I found that the video made more sense after having had the lessons. Now, all I need are my ducks and I can put some of that learning into practice :rolleyes: I hope to get the Derek Scrimgeour videos soon.

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