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Panting al night

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Cindy is 10 years old and she's starting to show her age, but this one has me a bit worried. She pants all night. She usually sleeps under the bed, but isn't able to maneuver herself in and out of there very well anymore, so she sleeps with her face in a corner of the bedroom. But she pants for hours, something she doesn't do during the day. I'm starting to think she's losing her eyesight and might be afraid of the dark.


She still stinks like rotten socks from her pond swims even though I took the suggestions here and hose her off , she's had diarrhea for about a week, and her nose isn't the cold wet thing it always is. It's sounding more like an infection, but she's not listless in the least and she eats like no tomorrow. The panting has been going on for months.


I can't put it all together, maybe someone here has some advice. A vet trip is the last resort since I've been off work close to three years.

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Vet, NOW. Panting can be a lot of things: stress, pain, heart issues, etc. That combined with the upset tummy and odd smell would have me at the vet pronto. If funds are an issue, check into Care Credit - I've heard they do a good job helping people pay for medical expenses when times are tough. Alternatively, see if a local humane society has a low cost clinic - our HS does specifically for people in your situation.

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My old girl (13) has been panting lately but I think it's cause we moved and now don't have A/C. It's not that hot in CO and the humidity is way better than in AR. I think she's getting better as she gets used to the heat. I know I am. I was in A/C last night for the first time in a while and was cold.

I have 4 bedroom mates and at least someone pants during most of the night but they switch off. None of them have wet noses all the time.


Don't konw if that helps but I'm not worrying about Jazz unless she shows something else.

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My last dog, an Akita, started panting a lot at about 13 yo, and he got a bit lethargic. After a week I became concerned and took him to the vet, where he passed away walking in the door. Going to the vet now is a really good idea.

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My last dog, Piper, BC X panted when ever she was up and about the last three years of her life. Only time she didn't was when she was asleep. Vet said that it was her heart slowing down. She didn't slow down until she about fifteen, but even then she did just fine, panting and all for almost another two years.


I would see the vet.

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Francisca recently also started panting during the night, and you could tell it was not just because it was warm.. she was really uncomfortable. Besides the panting, she was licking me all night desperately. Yesterday we visited the vet, and he determined it was nausea and colic caused by amoeba.

She got a prescription and last night, as she started panting again, I put on her belly a heating pad. It really worked!! I supposed if it works for me when I have stomachache, why wouldn't it help her. She fell asleep almost immediately, and you could see how relieved she felt.

Hope your Cindy is feeling much better now!!

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Panting can be from being too warm, pain, stress/anxiety, cushings disease. I wouldn't think cushings if she's only doing it at night. Same with the pain thing...ie why would she only be in pain at night and not all the time.

She may be stressed because she can't sleep where she wants to be (under the bed). Their eyesight can start to get worse with age too. Would be worth getting it checked by a vet for sure. If she wants to sleep somewhere safe like under the bed, do you think it would help to get a crate and put it in your room in the corner where she's trying to sleep now? Maybe it would make her feel more secure? My old dog started sleeping in the open crate that had been there forever when she got older (8 or so) and had never done it before.

Dog's can also start to go senile (cognitive dysfunction). At work we have a checklist for symptoms of it. I forget most of it but acting confused, getting "stuck" in corners, staring blankly, forgetting proper housetraining are just a few of the things on it.

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She was developing the start of a fungus because her undercoat would never dry. We had to have her buzzed and now she's like a new dog. The panting has stopped, she still eats well, gets a decent sleep at night. Poor thing loves the water and I'll admit there's not always time to comb her out after every swim. The pond isn't the best place for a swim but she likes to chase frogs and will spend a couple hours in the water.


She is due this month for a booster and she'll see the vet in a few days, a different vet this time because last year the diagnosis for the same problem was allergies. They seem to blame a lot on allergies.


We have a crate that the Yorkie uses when she's upset, but it will fit Cindy, also. I'll try that and see if it helps for storms. She hates storms, but it's been a strange weather year. Mid July and we're seeing mid-70's temps here, and very few of the green cloud storms we usually see.

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She was developing the start of a fungus because her undercoat would never dry. We had to have her buzzed and now she's like a new dog. The panting has stopped, she still eats well, gets a decent sleep at night. Poor thing loves the water and I'll admit there's not always time to comb her out after every swim. The pond isn't the best place for a swim but she likes to chase frogs and will spend a couple hours in the water.


She is due this month for a booster and she'll see the vet in a few days, a different vet this time because last year the diagnosis for the same problem was allergies. They seem to blame a lot on allergies.


We have a crate that the Yorkie uses when she's upset, but it will fit Cindy, also. I'll try that and see if it helps for storms. She hates storms, but it's been a strange weather year. Mid July and we're seeing mid-70's temps here, and very few of the green cloud storms we usually see.

Oh, that's great. I was afraid it might be her heart. I would never have thought of that - about making sure their undercoat always dries out. Lots of people here take their dogs swimming so that is great information.

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