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I used to post here way back in 2000. At that time my BC, "Jack" was very sick and I was having trouble finding something that he would eat. The people on this board helped me with this with support, advice and encouragement. When my Jack finally died ( from cancer at age 5, damn it!), the people that I had met here carried me through this as well. I am forever grateful to them.


Everyone said after Jack's death, "oh get another puppy", but I just wasn't ready. Just couldn't do it, you know.


So....seven years later, (wow, can't believe it's been that long), I did it, I got another BC pup! --born Nov. 21st. I've had this little one since Jan. 25th. He was almost 10 weeks old at when I brought him home weighing almost 13 lbs. He now weighs 19 lbs. His name is Bucky. He has a very impressive pedigree. He is not at all like my Jack. His temperament is very different.


So, I here I am back at the BC boards. Hi all.


I tried to post a pic of him but it seems that the file size is too large. So am trying to figure out how to compress it.




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Wow, welcome back - glad we didn't lose you in the "new look"! Looking forward to hearing more about the pup. What's the breeding (I'm such shameless hound, lol)? We've had several BC Board babies this year - it will be fun to see them all grow up together.

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Welcome back to the boards. I can't wait to see Bucky's pic. We love pictures :rolleyes:

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Welcome back to the Board. Looking forward to hearing more about Bucky in the future.



Thanks bc friend and thanks to all of you for the warm response. What a great place this is!



And until I can post a pic of Bucky et al, here is a web link to his pic.




talk again later. and thanks again everyone.

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I wasnt' around back then but WELCOME BACK!!


Thanks so much. It was a long time ago (7 years) and there weren't many posters then. There are so many instructions about how to work everything now, it will take me a while to figure them out.


And your Bucky is just adorable! I love the picture. I'm sure you'll enjoy every minute of puppyhood - remember it goes fast.


Thanks I think he is pretty cute too. :-)


This board is the greatest thing I've ever found on-line.



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