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world trade center movie

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went to see it as i was there for 2 wks,shemp the golden i gave dad was a forced retire sar dog for the cpd.(i am a retired k9 cop in chitown)after being in the pile he developed seizures and well the rest is history.go see this movie!!!!!!dont ever forget.shemp is now 7 and living the life of riley just sleeping and watching butterflys and trying to keep up with the borders.anyway go see this flick is pretty darn good.

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I'm glad to hear that the movie was well done. I don't know that I would be able to watch it. I still get teared up just thinking about that day and the people who lost their lives. I'm so glad there are dogs like Shemp and I'm happy to know he is doing OK in his retirement. I was asked to do a portrait of a SAR dog that belonged to a police officer here. Dylan died due to medical problems he developed after coming back from the pile at ground zero. I have such a great amount of respect for these dogs and there handlers. Here is Dylan.




I'd love to see a picture of Shemp if you have one you would like to share with us. Thank you to both you and Shemp.

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Thank you. It was done in acrylic paint on wood. The photo was taken before I put the sealer on. The sealer darkens the wood and really brings the image out, but unfortunately causes a reflection in photos. It was such an honor to personally give this piece to Dylan's owner. He was a gorgeous dog, but all of the SAR dogs are beautiful.


I think a calendar of SAR dogs would be a great idea also.

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i personally know of about 25 dogs from across the nation who have died or are sick as a result of going there.i know i still have nightmares from what we found.shemp i think does too.on the day he retired shemp was made a sgt.hes doing ok.had another siezure today.but i deal with them and we get thru everyone.

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Borderbob ~


Maybe you could talk to your fellow SAR dog handlers who have or had dogs that were there and ask them if they would be interested in doing a calendar? I think it would be a great tribute and would be a great fund raiser either for animal rescue or maybe even towards a medical fund to help with the vet expenses for the SAR dogs who have developed medical problems.


Give Sgt. Shemp a hug and a cookie from me.

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most sar dogs that are retired are alot like regular police dogs in that they are usually allowed to stay with thier handlers as pets.in my case my dad offered him the country life.so he stayed here now hes back with me.i still talk to a handfull of handlers from the right coast.ill mention the calender to them.now if i can just get him to stop pilfering my tomatoes right off the plants!!!!

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